"So what do I do Robin?" He walks up to me and gives me a pin. "Wear this pin it has a camera and it's a microphone." I nod. He then gives me an ear piece. "I will be speaking to you from the van and tell you what to do once you arrive to the lake and see Garett." I nod. "Are you sure, you're pregnant Emma, I don't want you to go alone."
"I must if not he's going to kill Killian, and I can't live without." "Ok it's 7:45, let's go to the lake," Robin says and we all nod. We all get in the van and they stopped a mile before the lake and hid behind some trees. I walked down all by myself. I get to the lake and I see someone sitting in a chair on the other side of the lake. "Welcome Emma, so glad that you joined us," Garret says.
I walk around and I scoff, "it's of bad form to make a pregnant woman walk alone at night." He laughs, "oh exercise won't hurt the baby." I roll my eyes. "Enough of that, where's Killian." He takes off the sack from that mans head who was sitting in the chair. I gasp. "Killian," I say. He's out cold. My heart breaks because he is super bloody and all bruised up.
"What did you do to him?" He chuckles. "Calm down Emma,"I hear Robin say in my ear piece. I settle down. "So you know that Liam is Killian's brother?" He asks as he points a gun to Killian's head. My heart dropped. "Ask him what he wants," Robin says.
I panicked. "Yes I do, so what do you want Garett?" He cocks the gun. "To get revenge on this man for ruining my life." I shake my head. "And how will you do that?" He lifts the gun then points it at me. "By killing you." I gasp. "Emma whatever you do don't move we are on the move," I Robin say. That's when I see Killian waking up and he puts his hand on his mouth and says "shh." I stood there calm.
He gets up and knocks Garret to the ground. "Run Emma!" Killian screams. That's when Robin and the rest of the agents come in and they start to attack that's when I hear two gun shots. I turn around and Robin is just standing there in shock as he was pointing at Garett with his gun. I look at Killian and he looks down at his chest. I look at his chest and I see two gunshot wounds, that's when blood starts to come out.
He stares into my eyes and I could see pain in them. He then falls into the water. I run and jump into the water. Robin gets a hold of Garett and arrests him. Other agents dive into the water and they start to search for Killian. No one could find him and I am panicking. We all come back up and I dive under and I see him. I get back up, "he's under here," I scream. The agents dive in and they bring him back to the surface.
One of the agents pulls me out of the water and checks me. "Are you ok?" I nod, "just take Killian to the hospital," I say and he nods. I see the agents carrying Killian to the van to take him to the hospital and that's when Angela comes running. "What happened?" She asks and sees Killian in the arms of the agents. "Emma," she says and starts to cry. "He will be fine," I say and she says "no I can't lose him, I just found him."
I start to cry and then I start to shake. "Emma you're really pale," she says. I gave her a weird look. "What?" She nods. "Let's take you the doctor." I shake my head. "We have to go and see Killian," I say as I feel like I'm going to pass out. "No let's go now."!Garrett passes by with his hands behind his back. "Have fun love," he says. I slap him. "Oh and Angela, thank your brother Killian." Angela looks at him furiously, "Why?"
"Well because of him Liam is dead." Angela gasps. "What?" She screamed out. "Yes, I wanted to hurt Killian and what better than to get rid of his only brother." "You monster," she screams and hits him in the face, breaking his nose. "Angela, calm down," I say pulling her with the last bit of strength I had left. They take Garret away and he walks away laughing.
She looks at me, "I've lost my two brothers." "No, we haven't lost Killian." She sighs. "You knew?" "Knew what?" She sighs again. "That Liam was dead," she says with tears forming in her eyes. I look down. "Yes but Killian wanted to find who was responsible for his death first before telling you." "Does he know that I'm his sister?" I shake my head. "I had the suspicion, that's why I took the DNA sample to lab but he had already left."
She starts to cry and I get a huge contraction. I scream from the pain. "Emma?" I shake my head and grabbed my belly. "No, it's the baby, it's too early for her to come." Angela is standing there scared as can be. "Oh my gosh!" I scream from the pain of the contractions. One of the agents notices me and picks me up and takes me and Angela to the same hospital where they took Killian to.
I get there and I'm laying on the bed in the maternity floor. I had asked Angela to go and see where Killian was at and she said that he was in the only ER operating room undergoing surgery. The doctor comes in, "Emma we are going to have to deliver this baby now." "No we can't but she's too tiny, she's going to die." The doctor smiles, "actually you are almost 9 months so it's not dangerous for the baby come out, although she will be taken straight to the NICU."
I'm laying there and Angela smiles, "you'll be ok," she says and hugs me. That's when we hear, "code blue in ER operating room." My eyes shot open. "No that's Killian, that code means he's dying and they can't bring him back." I took all the wires and IV off and I got up and Angela tries to stop me.
"Emma stop it!" She screams. I run to the lower level of the hospital and I ran past the doors and I see the window of the operating room. "Charge to 300!" I hear one of the doctors say. "Clear," she says and she shocks Killian. Nothing and I hear a flat line. "No!" I scream. A nurse sees me and she's pulling me away and I tried to break free. "Let me go, that's my husband in there," I say and then I scream from another contraction.
"Oh little one please wait," I say. "Time of Death, 23:04," one of the doctor says and they all start to walk away from Killian. "No!" I screamed. I run in and the nurse tries to stop me but then the doctor stops her. "Just let her, we tried everything." I walk in there and the machine is still on and you could hear the flat line from the monitor. I go up to him and I see the gunshot wounds on his chest. And they had opened his abdominal cavity as well. They had sowed him back up. I look at his face and it was all bruised up.
This wasn't the way that it was supposed to end. He can't be dead. My love, my best friend, my husband, the father of my child, my Killian cannot be dead, he just can't....

Friends Forever?
Fiksi PenggemarAn Orphanage can be both a place of great sorrow and of great happiness. That was the case for both Emma and Killian. Both were destined to live out their youth at the orphanage scared and alone. So one day they became friends and promised each ot...