Chapter 9

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I wake up and my head is spinning. I sit up and I rub my temple. Why did I have such a huge headache, I mean I didn't drink anything at all. I get up and I walk downstairs. I stood there and shrugged then went back up. I make my way back to bed and I see my clothes laid out on the floor. I gasp. That's when it hit me, I legit had a make out session with Killian last night. I quietly walked over to his room and knocked.

No answer. I quietly opened the door and he was still asleep. I then walked back to my bathroom and freshened up. I make my way down the stairs and I make myself some coffee. I sit down and I turn on the tv and go to the food channel, and my favorite food show was on. It's 10:30 am and as I'm waiting for my show to start I go and pour myself some coffee. That's when I hear the door bell ring.

I grabbed my cup and I open the door. I gasp at who I see standing there. "Oh Milah, hi," I say in a shocked and awkward tone. She looks at me and gasps. "Why are you dressed like that?" I looked down then looked back up at her. "Like what, this is my night wear." She gives me a dirty look. "You're wearing a tank top and booty shorts Emma, my future husband will be seeing that." I laugh and then I take a sip of my coffee.

"Oh God Milah, he's used to it, oh I mean, it's my house too and like I said he's used to it, I know it doesn't bother him," I say as I escort her in. She scoffs. "Would you like some coffee?" She rolls her eyes. "From now I would kindly ask you to not dress like that while my fiancée is around." I sigh. "Ok calm down Milah but you know that I live here too but if you want I'll wear pants from now on." She grins.

"Thanks, I would really appreciate it." I give her a fake smile. She then returns one back to me. "So where's Killian?" "Umm he's still sleeping," I say as I walk back to the couch. She scoffs. "Still?" I nod. "Yup he was really drunk last night." She shakes her head. "Want to watch the food channel with me as you wait?" She scoffs. "I'm an FBI agent, I don't have time for tv." I scoff. "Suit yourself but when you get married with Killian, he will be watching this because this is one of his favorite channels."

"Oh," she softly says then smiles. "Ok I guess I'll watch it." I smile nervously as she sits next to me. All I could think about was the thing that happened between Killian and I last night. I was so nervous and scared. I put my coffee cup down and I began to sweat like there was no tomorrow. A few minutes pass by then I hear Killian screaming from upstairs.

Milah gets up and I push her out of the way and I book it upstairs. I open the door and I gasp. He's having a nightmare again. I get on the bed and tried to get Killian's attention. "Killian, Killian wake up, hey, it's ok I'm here." He gets up and his eyes shot open. He then smiles. "Emma, my Emma you're alive, I saw you dead again and my mother and my sister, I just...."

"Shhhh," I say as I try to calm him down but he keeps pushing me away. I then cup his face. "Killian look at me its ok you're here not in that street," I say and he tries to pull away. "Killian look at me, snap out of it!" I scream. He then hugs me and I held his head towards my chest and caressed the back of his head. "Shhhhhh, it's ok Killian, it was a nightmare go back to sleep." He smiles, "don't ever leave me Emma," he says as he continues to hug me.

I look down at him and he starts to close his eyes and he goes back to sleep. I look up and Milah was in shock. I laid him down and he is sound asleep. We walk back down and she sighs. "Emma does that happen often?" I nod. "He's told me about them but I didn't think they were that bad." I nod. "Yea, I haven't seen him get it that bad in a while but yeah that's what usually happens." She nods.

"He's always had that, when we were back in the orphanage we would sneak out and do sleepovers and he would get these nightmares and I would always be there to calm him down." She just stands there quietly. "You know why he gets them right?" She nods. "Yes because he relives the moment when he lost his mother and sister right?" I nod. "So when that happens Milah, just soothe him and let him know he's ok, I know he's a tough man, a great field agent but this always keeps him up at night, that's why he became an agent, because he wants to make a difference in the world because he couldn't save them."

She nods, "thank you Emma." I smile and she smiles back at me. "Tell you what, I'll come back tonight when Killian is fully awake." I nod. "Take care," I say as I walk her to the door. Once she left I closed the door and I sat back down on the couch and continued to watch my show. It's 11:30 and I'm still there, in all honesty I did not want to get up, I was being lazy and plus this was my day off so I could do whatever I want. That's when I hear footsteps.

I look at Killian walking up to the kitchen counter. I laugh because he looked like he had a bad hangover. "Morning Sleeping Beauty," I say. He scoffs. "Ha ha, very funny," he says as he fills his cup with coffee. He takes a sip and makes his way towards me. That's when it hit me again. I made out with him last night.

"Morning," he says as he sits down. "How you doing?" I ask nervously. He takes a sip and sighs. "My God my head is killing me." I'm nervous because I want to know if he remembers kissing me last night. "So how'd it go last night?" I ask him. He smiles and that made my heart soar. He remembered. He totally remembered kissing me last night. "Oh Emma it was wonderful, I can't believe I asked Milah to marry me."

My heart shattered. That's the reason why he's happy, not because he kissed me. I smile and raised my cup and we made a toast. I take a sip. I just had to know if he remembered anything else. "So do you remember anything else about last night because after Milah left everyone else was super drunk." He laughs. "All I remember was that I crashed on the couch and then you helped me upstairs and then...." He stayed quiet and gave me a death glare. I was getting nervous.

"Yeah that's it, I don't remember anything else," he says and smiles. I sigh in relief but then again I was heart broken. I just knew these feelings towards Killian were wrong or were they? I should just tell him about what happened, he is my best friend after all. I sigh. "Milah was here." He gasps. "She was here when you had a nightmare, she saw everything." "No," said and he covered his face. "It's ok though she understood and was happy that I help you out and yeah."

He smiles, "oh what would I do without you." I smile and decided to tell him right now. "Killian I want to..." I say and that's he gets a call. He answers it and gets up, "yes director I will be on my way." He smiles. "I finally have my warrant to arrest my suspect, I need to call Milah and go and bring that dirt bag in." I smile as he goes up. Not gonna lie but I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't tell him. Maybe it was a sign?

10 minutes passed and he comes down dressed in his FBI suit. "How do I look?" He asks as he spins around. I laugh. "You look rather dashing for a man that is going to bring a suspect into custody." He laughs, "you always know what to say Emma, see you tonight or tomorrow, depends on what Milah wants to do tonight." I wave goodbye and he walks out the door. I call Ruby and I ask her to meet me at the mall in an hour or so we could have a talk. I have to tell her if not I'm going to explode.

I go upstairs to change but I take a quick shower first. As I'm in the shower I start to remember the first time Killian and I had met. I was so happy at that time, I mean my life was great but falling in love with your best friend and making out with him the night of his engagement with another woman is bad. I clenched my fist and hit the shower wall. I was so mad at myself but I couldn't do that to him, he deserves to be happy and he's in love with Milah so I must back away.

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