Days later
I'm standing in the little room next to the room where Aqua is being kept in. They've been trying to make her relax but nothing. So today Killian and I will try to talk to her and show her things from when she was a little girl.We walked in and Aqua was sitting on the bed curled up in a little ball. "I don't want to talk to you." I sigh. "You don't have to talk, just listen." She looks away and leans against the wall. "You see my baby, you were taken away from us when you were a little girl." She looks at us then looks away again.
"You had your own room, you played with your aunt Angela for the longest, you had an amazing life my love and can have it again." She covers herself with the blanket. "You're not my mom, my mom is Daisy." I sigh. "And my Dad is Grant." I sigh again.
"Ok tell me something Aqua..." She scoffs and takes off her blanket. "It's Skye." I nod. "Ok Skye, do you have memories of Daisy and Grant?" She sits up and leans against the wall. "No." I nod. "Who told you that they were your parents?" "Uncle Damien." I nod. "Look my love, we did a DNA test, and you're our daughter." She scoffs.
"They can be faked." I sigh. "Skye, we are telling you the truth." She shakes her head. "Please Go away, I'm alone now and I want it to stay that way." My heart hurt. Killian touched my shoulder. "Let's give our daughter some time." I nodded and that's when the door opened and in walked Leía.
She booked it to Aqua and hugged her. "Big sister we finally found you." I gasped as I pulled her away. Aqua looked terrified yet confused. "Who is She?" "Skye, She's..." Leía smiles. "Big Sis, I'm your little sister Leía." She gives me a weird look. "I don't have a sister." Leía gives me a confused look. "Mommy isn't that..." Killian grabs her and walks out the door.
"You have a little brother and sister Skye." She gasps. "Well they aren't my siblings." I nod. "Well I'll leave you this photo album of you when you were little and all the drawings your siblings drew to you even though they didn't know you." I set it down near her and walked out.
No matter how long it takes if I have to come every day, I will get her to come back to me.
Aqua's (Skye) POV
I'm so confused. I mean it seems to me that they are my parents but I just can't help but think that they're just messing with me. I look at the album and something in me is wanting to open it but I try my best to fight it. I walk up to the door and I press my ear against the door.That's when I hear Killian and Emma's voices along with their little girl's.
"Why doesn't she love me mommy?" I hear the little girl say. "She will, just give her time, she doesn't know you sweetie," I hear Emma say back to her. I back away and sigh. This little girl really thinks I'm her big sister.
I know I'm not a bad person but I just don't know them, I can't accept them just like that. I go sit back down and I open the photo album. I'm looking through the pictures and they are all of a little girl, which I assume is me.
That's when I come across a picture that left me speechless. It was of a room, and there is Killian sitting on my bed with a book in his hands as I'm tucked in the bed. I've seen this in my dreams. I close the album and throw it across the room. Im sick and tired of feeling confused.
I need to know the truth. I need to know, the DNA results can be altered but the one who knows the whole truth is my uncle Damien. So the next thing I need to do is break out of here and see him in prison so he could tell me the truth.

Friends Forever?
FanficAn Orphanage can be both a place of great sorrow and of great happiness. That was the case for both Emma and Killian. Both were destined to live out their youth at the orphanage scared and alone. So one day they became friends and promised each ot...