The Fortune Teller

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Kaz was walking down the road one night, when he came across a crowd. It was around one, and most people were normally asleep. These were the prostitutes and gutter rats that roamed the night. He could only see a large, silk purple tent with whorls of black fabric all over it, and two guards at the entrance flaps. In the rubble of what used to be the Menagerie. He walked up to the front of the line, people parting for him as they recognized the Bastard of the Barrel.

"What is going on here?" Kaz asked.

"Get in the back of the line, boy," growled one of the guards. Kaz looked down at the guard, who faced him bravely.

"What is going on?" Kaz asked once more, cocking his head.

"Madam Esme of Loch is telling the good people of Ketterdam their fortunes." As the other guard said that a very drunken man stumbled out of the tent. Kaz pushed between the flaps easily, the soft fabric sliding against his cheek.

"Hey!" barked one of the guards, grabbing his arm. Kaz recoiled and hit the man's shoulder with his cane, making it fall limp. The guard paled under his Zemeni tan and turned back to the outside of the tent. Inside was a table with two chairs, a pallet of pillows and blankets, and a bucket of water. Dangling gold hung from the ceiling and a kindly looking old lady sat at the table, her face painted heavily and swathed in ivory robes across her wrinkled Suli skin.

"Come, sit, my boy. I can tell you have many things you wish too know," she chuckled. Kaz walked over and slid into the seat across from her.

"I don't want to know anything."

"Then why bother to come in?" She raised her thin eyebrows and held out her hand.

"Your hand." Kaz was hesitant, but finally he put his pale hand in hers. He'd stopped wearing the gloves. For Her. Esme closed her eyes, mouth pursed. She opened her eyes, a finger tracing the lines on his hand.

"You wait for a girl, a Suli, like me. But she has not come back to you in... a few months? You are worried. But fear not. I have foreseen that you two are meant to be together. She will come to you. Do not push her away as you do–" Kaz jerked his hand from hers.

"Enough of this shit. Get a real job, woman." He stormed out of the tent. The lady ran after him.

"That'll be ten kruge!" Kaz turned around, his eyes burning into hers. The gesture he sent her was not a nice one. He kept walking until he got to the Crow Club. He limped inside and up the stairs to his room. Before he opened the door he sighed, a heavy weight on his heart. An empty windowsill would greet him, and so would the mocking crows that squawk for his Inej that would never truly be his. He opened his door and what greeted him on the other side made his heart leap. Inej sat on the windowsill, a crow on her arm. She looked over at him, bathed in shadows.  Her long hair was shining in the moonlight and her face was upturned, looking at the moon.  She looked angelic, her lips parted slightly and her posture so comfortable.  Too caress that skin...

"Kaz."  He jerked back into the present.

"Inej." He nodded towards her, going over to his desk and shrugging off his coat, setting it on the back of his chair.  She pet the crow with her forefinger slowly before letting it go.  Kaz limped over to the window sill and looked at her.  She had a new brightness to her eyes, she held herself confidently.  The sea had changed her, just like it had changed him ten or so long years ago.

"What have you been up too?" she asked.  Kaz didn't respond for a moment, he was just letting the sound of her voice wash over him, the smell that always followed her around, the smell of the sea and flowers. 

"I've been keeping the Dime Lions straight.  Pekka is still away, and the gang is running wild.  And other things too.  How is the sea treating you?" Inej shrugged, her eyes looking out at the buildings and lights.

"Fine. There aren't many slavers left, I'm staying for a few days this time." Kaz raised his brows.

"What a treat for me."

Hey guys!  So, I've decided to do this story along with the other, and I think this'll be better cuz I'm better at Kanej.  Anyway, on phone, just got back from camp, please pardon any mistakes.  Thanks!


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