Getting Home

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I never saw you coming- State of Grace, Taylor Swift

(Coming home from Ketterdam.  Sorry guys, I had no idea what to write for him in Ketterdam)

Kaz whistled a merry tune as he rode his horse down the long roads of the Lij countryside.  He couldn't wait to get home and see Inej, but he also knew she was probably enjoying her alone time.  Instead, he thought about baby names.  Kaz couldn't focus on that long though, and soon he was kicking his horse faster, too eager to get home and see his lovely fianceé.

(An hour later)

Kaz was going slow again when he saw the boy by the side of the road.  He was wearing rags and had no shoes.  He held out a cup.  Kaz stopped the horse, swinging down.  He walked over to the young boy.

"Where are your parents?"  The boy shrugged, and Kaz could have sworn he'd seen those eyes, and that blonde hair somewhere else... but he couldn't quite place it.

"They left me.  Now please mister, a coin so I and my sister can get some food."  Kaz quickly examined the scraggly boy.  Reaching into his pocket he took out ten gold coins.

"Is this enough?"  He emptied it into the boy's cup.  The boy looked at him with wide eyes, and then tears spilled over his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you," he cried.  Kaz gave him a crooked smile, watching as the boy ran off.  Kaz mounted back on his horse, trotting off.

(Two hours later)

Kaz had finally made it to the house, and he was drenched in sweat.  He was going to the barn when a small scream erupted from inside the house.  Kaz was off the horse in a moment, rushing up the stairs and into the house.  He yanked on the door but it was locked.

"Open up!" he yelled, pounding on the door.  No one answered, so he ran to a window, smashing it with his fist and jumping into the house.  He heard a moan from the bedroom and rushed in, only taking a moment to grab the gun Inej had carelessly left on a table.  He went to the room and walked in.  Inej lay on the bed, clutching a pillow while Nina sat by her side, pressing a cool rag to Inej's forehead.  Her eyes flew to him and she stood immediately, forgetting about Inej.

"You're alive." 

Hey folks!  So I know that this is really short and has no detail with tons of time skips, but I want to wrap it up.  I'm sorry.  Hope you've loved the story, and if you do vote and comment!


P.S. Pardon spelling errors, and who can guess why the little boy looked familiar?

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