Demons don't die

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Though she be but little, she is fierce– William Shakespeare

(Continuation of Drinking with Pekka, still Inej)


You didn't think I'd leave it there, did you?

(Still Inej, still in that room)

Inej's heart stopped beating. And she knew it, because it had been beating quite fast a moment ago. Her eyes slowly scanned them. Their tall, lean frame with strong muscle. The long coat, the cane, the white button up and vest with black pants and shoes. He looked like a real business man, the hat topping it off. His pale hands resting on the head of his cane.  Inej slid off the window sill and stood, just staring at him.  He looked at her expectantly and everything came pouring out of her.  Inej surged forwards, fists raised.  Kaz stepped back, only for Inej to melt into shadows.  She struck him into the back, pushing him forwards.  He whirled aorund and she punched him in the shoulder, then kicking him in the stomach.

"You," she kicked his cane away, "left me."  Kaz grabbed her wrists, and she jumped up, kicking him in the chest and falling backwards.  Kaz fell back with a grunt and hit the floor hard.  Inej crawled over to him, and straddled him. He looked up at her, and smiled.

"Are you trying to kill me again?" She knew he'd let her do this to him, and she hated that he didn't think she could pin him. She wanted to scream and beat him, she wanted to hug him, she wanted to just stare into his eyes. Those eyes, why did they always get her? And the feel of his soft hands that she had pinned by his head. He laced their fingers together and smiled at her. Not a smirk, or a mischievous grin, but a genuine smile.

"Maybe," she said, sliding off him and unclasping their hands. He sat up and rubbed the back of his head, wincing. Inej watched him closely, his liquid movements, the way the shadows clung to him like skin. Inej didn't know when she started crying, but she was aware of every moment as he slid over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You lied to me."


"You told me you weren't going to die, you promised," she sobbed, covering her face with her hands. She pulled away slightly and punched his chest, making him grunt.

"How could you do that to me? You left me here alone. I have no one here like you Kaz."

"Jesper, Nina, and Wylan didn't do anything for you?" he asked with a disbelieving smirk.

"They aren't you," she cried.

"No one is like me," smiled Kaz, and Inej looked at him, her eyes red and tears still leaking out of her eyes.  Kaz looked down at her, his eyes sparkling.

"Why couldn't you have been more careful. You could have saved yourself–"

"I couldn't let the innocent die," Kaz laughed, exhaling heavily, and taking her face in his hands. The constant cold of his hands seeped into her hot cheeks. Inej found herself leaning into the unwanted touch.

"She was only a few years old. No one would grieve her horribly, and it's not like she had a past, someone to go home to," Inej protested, frowning. Kaz's smile fell.

"I didn't have anyone to go home to either."

"You had me–"

"For three days about every eight months. Margaretha has just as much right to be alive as me. She has a future ahead of her, I didn't have much." Inej pulled back farther, hurt flashing across her face.

"So I'm nothing, I don't matter. I'm nothing to look forward to." Kaz shook his head.

"Inej, no. You mean more to me than anything. More than my money." Inej felt tears tear down her cheeks, horrible, cursed tears. She was messed up, and she knew. She kept crying for no reason.

"But you left me. Kaz, I was going to," she stopped, ashamed of herself, looking over Kaz's shoulder at the window. Kaz turned his head and followed where she was looking. She watched the muscle in his jaw tense, his pale skin tightening.

"You weren't thinking of jumping, right?" Inej didn't reply. There was no point in lying to Kaz. He could see right through her. Inej shook her head, tears coming slower as she started to pick up the pieces of her emotions and putting them back into place.

"You were gone, and it would have been so easy to let go Kaz. To just... fly," she sighed.

"Inej, no. Don't ever think like that."

"Kaz, you were gone! I had nothing to live for–" He cut her off by bending his head and catching one of her tears with his mouth, and stopping another again like that, kissing her face. She shoved him away. He smirked at her.

"Get it together." Inej blushed under her dark skin.

"Damn," he laughed. She looked at him expectantly.

"These hormones have got you going crazy." Inej laughed at that. Since when did Kaz have a sense of humor? She stood up and so did he.

"Do you have anything you want to tell me?" he asked her. Inej wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

"I love you." He scoffed, wrapping arms around her waist.

"Anything I don't know?"

"You're a bastard." He laughed and they stayed like that for a few moments before Inej kissed his jaw, trailing down to his lips. He lifted them away.

"You were a mean little girl," he reprimanded.

"Yes." She looked glumly at the floor, pushing back a smile.

"And you seem tired."

"Yes." He led her over to the bed and pushed her down on it. She crawled under the covers and Kaz leaned down to kiss her forehead, but she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him onto the bed. He buried his face in her neck and she put a hand on the back of his head, fingering his hair.

"You need a haircut."

"Tomorrow," he groaned, nuzzling her. She felt him start to suck on her neck and she batted him away.

"I already have small scar marks from where you bit me, I don't need more physical evidence of what you've done to me!" she laughed. Kaz spread a hand across her stomach, which was still generally flat.

"Then we might have a problem with physical evidence of what I've done to you." She put a hand on top of his and he caught her lips with his. The kiss was soft, asking for forgiveness.

Inej twined their fingers and he took his mouth off hers and going back to her neck. She gasped as he started to suck again, and giggled.

"Saints, that tickles!" As she writhed around Kaz made sure she didn't fall off the bed while still marking her. Because he would always be there to catch her if she was about to fall, or stop her from jumping. Because he loved her. As she laughed and playfully pushed him away she realized he was right. She'd changed emotions so quickly. Was this who she was now? Once he stopped she felt a small pain on her neck.

"Great. Now Nina's going to give you the talk when she sees this." Kaz pulled her closer.

"We're way past the talk."

Hey peeps! So, I haven't updated in awhile cause I just started school, and so.. yeah. Sorry if it's short, I try to write long, but I suck and so I can't really. Hopefully it's okay. Please give me suggestions for the next few chapters and I'll see what I can do. Don't forget to vote! I love to hear what ya'll are thinking, so comment, please!


P.S. Thanks to Night_ShadowedCat for everything. Thanks. They've been commenting and voting and just helping me. Please, go check out their stuff.

P.P.S Please pardon any mistakes. I'm tired.

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