The dumping of water

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(The next morning)

Kaz woke up, and felt something tickling his nose, and the feel of skin on skin.  Bile rose in his throat but he swallowed it back. He looked down, Inej's hair was splayed on his chest and a little on his face, her head on his chest.  He smiled, putting a hand on one of her shoulders.  She stirred, raising her head up.  He felt her stiffen and he rasped,

"You're fine, it's just me."  She turned her head and looked at him.  The smile that broke out on her face was so full of raw emotion he wished he could stop time and sty in this moment forever with her.  She loved him, she really did.  Kaz sat up and so did Inej, who pulled the sheets up against herself.  He leaned over and kissed her temple.

"Morning Inej."

"Morning," she yawned, crawling out of bed and wrapping a blanket around herself.  Kaz snatched his pants from the floor and pulled them on.  He climbed out of bed and looked out the window, it was bright outside.  Then he grabbed his watch from his desk.  Inej had one hour until she was leaving.

"One hour, Wraith."  She nodded and Kaz went over to his wash basin, splashing the freezing water on his face.  It woke him up quickly.

"Are you awake yet, Inej?" he teased, she was leaning against the wall, head back, eyes closed.  She cracked open an eye.

"I'm so tired," she moaned pushing off the wall.

"I'm not the one that kept us up all night," he pointed out.  She raised her eyebrows.

"Really?  Weren't you the one that woke me up in the first place which led to... this," she countered, falling back against the wall and gesturing towards themselves.

"Close your eyes, and when you open them I'm sure you'll be awake," he said.  She obeyed and he grabbed the basin, walking over to her.  

"What are you–" her question broke off as she screeched, eyes opening, and she jumped away. Kaz grinned devilishly.  He had dumped the basin of chilling water on her head.  She glared at him and he walked back over to the dresser, and refilled the basin.  Inej was now fully awake, he could tell, as she yanked on her clothes from yesterday and stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind her.  Kaz dressed in a button up blue shirt and black pants with his usual coat and black shoes with a black vest.  He combed his hair, and washed out his mouth with mint water and used a brush of hogs hair to scrub his teeth with a mint paste.  He walked over to his desk and grabbed the letter off it, tucking it into a pocket on the inside of his coat.  He got his cane from where it was leaning beside his door and exited the room.  He had a few things he wanted to get her before she left.

Hello peeps!  So, I decided I wanted the good bye to be on an Inej chapter.  And I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm going to be posting a quote that I think relates to what they might feel, or the chapter, starting with the next chapter.  I've seen some people do it and I like the idea, though mine will probably be musical quotes cause I like them.  Anyway, hope you liked the short chapter, and please pardon any spelling mistakes.  Don't forget to comment!


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