Buying Flowers

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Kaz woke up around six, yawning and stretching his arms wide above his head.  He rolled out of bed, and smiled.  It was a big day!  He stood and padded bare foot over to his wash basin and mirror.  He splashed water in his face and as it slid down his cheeks he thought he saw a shadow flit across the room.  He braced his arms on the dresser the bowl was on and looked behind his shoulder.

"Inej?"  When no one answered he turned fully around, and smiled.  It was Igor, his pet crow.  Why was he so jumpy?  He dried his face and opened his closet door, pulling out a crisp black shirt and pulling it over his head.  He brushed his hair carefully, and then pulled off his pajama pants to pull on black pants and shoes.  He checked himself in the mirror, grabbing his coat and cane, and then heading down the stairs.  He'd decided to keep his old room even after taking over the Dregs from Haskell.  He limped down the creaking stairs, and down into the main room, which was being cleaned up from the night's amusement, by men and women staff.  he nodded to them and walked out the door.  His knee pained him more than usual, as it always did when the weather changed.  Stores were just opening, and he had to walk to the nicer part of town to find a good flower shop.  The streets were empty, and even the stadwatch didn't seem to be around.  He ducked into the flower shop and immediately the fragrance of all the fleurs hit him and he breathed deeply.

It smelled like his mother on a balmy summer day after working in the garden, lounging with him by the creek that had run past their home, her toes barely under its surface.  He closed his eyes and could picture the sun's warm rays, the luscious grass, and crystal clear meadow water cold as ice.

"How can I help you?" a voice chimed like the bells on the door, and it broke him out of his trance.

"I want a bunch of blue geraniums and wild ones please, tied with a white ribbon."  The old woman nodded, hobbling off.  As she collected the bunch and tied it off she asked,

"For a special girl?"  Kaz smirked flipping a coin into the tips jar, sliding the rest across to her.

"Possibly."  The old woman chortled, her wrinkled pink lips peeling back in a smile.

"I remember those days.  Cherish her while she lasts young man."  She handed him the flowers and he strode out.  He walked quickly back to the Club and when he got inside he ascended the stairs to the room a few stairs above his.  He knocked on it, breathing in deep.

"Who is it?"


"Come in," Inej called out softly.  He entered, and held out the bunch of flowers.

"Happy birthday."  Inej looked up at him and smiled, wrapping her arms around her neck and hugging him.  He held her with one hand until she pulled away.  She took the flowers from him and breathed in deeply.

"My favorite."  Kaz nodded.

"How could I forget?"

Hey guys!  So I know this is short, but I want to do a few quick chapters, if that's good.  Anyway, please pardon any spelling mistakes and don't forget to comment any suggestions or ideas or criticism or just thoughts.  Thanks!


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