The Man

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Everyone one who loves me has died- Wait For It, Hamilton

(Still at the Grisha's house)

Kaz was holding Inej's hand, wishing he had some god to pray to.  He knew none though, except for Ghezen, but he hardly believed Ghezen was even real.  Nivoki looked so concentrated, his black brows scrunched together and mouth twisted to one side.  Kaz watched as Inej's eyes fluttered.  Nivoki rose.

"That is all I can do for her.  It should be enough.  Just make sure she's resting and doesn't work or anything.  And she has to drink lots of water."  Kaz nodded.  As Nivoki went to walk up his stairs Kaz called out,

"I won't forget this."  Nivoki turned around, looking amused, dark eyes glinting. Kaz cocked his head, thinking he'd seen those eyes before, but somewhere else.

"I did not think you would."

(Back at their house, two days later now Inej P.O.V)

Kaz was sitting on the porch steps, head in hands when Inej gracefully came out.  Even many pounds heavier she was still quiet.  Sitting down at his side she rubbed his back.  She didn't ask him what was wrong, they just sat there together in the melodic chirping of the crickets.

"You should be resting."  Inej didn't reply, she just rested her head on his shoulder, sighing.  Margaretha was asleep upstairs, along with the nanny.  Kaz dug his fingers into his scalp, huffing a breath.  Then he sat up, glancing over at her, his restless hands resting on his knees.

"Inej... I have to tell you."  He looked over at her, and Inej saw the tears glinting in his eyes.   Inej took her head off his shoulder and her hand went from his back to his hand.  She didn't say a word, just squeezed his hand in a reassuring way.

"I would love for you to tell me.  I do not want you to feel pressured to though."  Kaz shook his head.

"It's been almost two months, and I have to tell you.  I can't keep it in anymore.  It's like the more I hold onto it the more I see everything that happened there over and over."  Inej scooted closer, placing her free hand on her stomach, it had become a hand rest and a habit to put her hand there.

"It was awful.  I was dead, and Jordie was there, trying to take me to what I suppose was Heaven.  I couldn't go through the gates though, and then I was falling.  Falling down into a darkness that choked me.  My Hell was moment after moment that I regretted or hate, or I was plain out tortured.  Like on the Ferolind denying you, or with Jordie, playing cards with Jes.  I couldn't escape though, no, I was condemned.  One day, or night I guess it could have been, I appeared in the dining room of Wylan and Jesper's place.  You were crying, and no one could see me.  Then Death told me I was officially dead and that I was a part of his kingdom.  I told him I would not give up.  Many tortures later my mother took me to this meadow and granted me another life."  Kaz took in a shuddering breath.

"That is basically what happened.  I don't think I could relive what happened down there, the rest of it I mean."  Inej examined his face, the new scars, one extending from his jaw halfway down his neck.  She reached out a hand and traced it.

"You didn't deserve that," Inej rasped, moving her hand up to cup his face.

"And then, I came home, and you were going to have my child.  I was the happiest man ever Inej.  Now we're here, but when you got hurt the other night..." Kaz trailed off, and Inej wiped at the tear that was starting to roll down his soft cheek.

"I thought you were going to die.  I was going to lose you only right after I'd gotten you back.  I was determined to not lose someone else I loved."  Inej leaned forwards, hugging him.  He buried his face in the crook of her neck, and Inej felt him shaking under her arms.  She didn't remember a time she had seen Kaz cry.  Looking out into the darkness she felt some sort of dark presence but did not let go of Kaz.  She would not leave him.

(Around a week later.  Sorry for the time skips Y'all)

Inej held onto the toilet, heaving into it.  It was early in the morning, around dawn, and she tried to keep her nose level low so she didn't wake anyone, easpecially Kaz, who barely got any sleep.  Her knuckles were white as she clutched the toilet, and her face heated.  Inej's hair was plastered to her brow with sweat and she took a shaking hand off the toilet to push it back.  As she did a cool hand gently pulled her hair back, another hand rubbing her back.  After a few more long moments she stopped, spittle just dripping off her lips.  Kaz passed her a towel silently, and Inej grabbed it, wiping her mouth.  She got up, Kaz steadying her from behind, and walked over to the sink to wash out her mouth.

Inej looked over her shoulder to thank Kaz and gasped, stumbling back a step.

"Who are you?" she growled, eyes roaming over the blonde-haired man.  He looked strong, and Inej felt stupid for not noticing it wasn't Kaz.

"Shh, Inej, don't be scared," murmured the man, stepping forwards.  Inej didn't take her eyes from his as she reached for knives that weren't there.  The man smirked, grabbing her wrists and shoving her bad against the wall.

"I can see why he was so eager to see you," mumbled the man, pushing his nose into her neck.  Inej struggled against him but he had such strength that she could hardly move.  

"What do you want?"  The man pulled his face away from her neck and he smirked,

"I am to be the bearer of bad news tonight.  Maybe another night I won't be."  His voice was a bedroom purr and Inej couldn't suppress a shiver at the sort of power she felt radiating off of him, and the way his intense eyes bored into hers...

"Say it already."

"You were supposed to die when you fell, but your stupid fiancé saved you.  I will not forget that."  Inej cocked her head.

"What do you mean?"  He leaned forward, whispering onto the shell of her ear,

"I mean, someone is going to die soon."  HIs hot breath caressed her ear, and Inej jerked her head away.  Then he was gone, and Inej had to lean against the wall that had trapped her just a moment ago for support.  Then Kaz opened the door, his hair ruffled, eyes bleary.

"You good?"  Inej nodded, plastering on a fake smile.

"Yeah."  Something seemed to wake Kaz up, and he strode over, holding her shoulders.

"No.  Something is wrong."  Inej looked up at him.

"I'd rather not talk about it.  I'm tired."  Kaz stepped back, his brow furrowing.

"But–"  Inej was already stalking for the door, towards the bed.  She threw back the covers, slipping onto the bed and snuggling in, closing her eyes.  His silky voice still rang in her head,

Someone is going to die soon.

For some reason, she had a feeling he was going to be the cause of it.

Hey y'all!  Hope you enjoyed this, sorry it started out with Kaz, but I didn't want to start with Inej.  Comment who you think the man is, though it is sort of obvious.  Hope you like their little talk and stuff.  Inej is only three–almost two– months away from giving birth!  Hope you guys are hyped!  Anyways, please pardon any mistakes, part of it was done on my phone.  Please guys, please vote and comment!  Around five or four people do, but I'd appreciate it if more people did, there's a few thousand of you, a small number of you could start commenting.  Anyways, please think about it!  Have a good day/night!


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