Where thoughts lead us...

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Inej placed the flowers carefully in a vase full of water on her desk.  She'd had it ready, he always got her flowers on her birthday.  She went back to his side and pat the chair in front of her desk.  She'd moved her mirror so it was propped up on her desk.

"Ready for a haircut Kaz?"  He nodded.  He slipped into the chair and faced forwards.  Inej got out a knife and a pair of thin scissors.

"I'll be as fast as I can."  Inej pushed one of his ears down and snipped off the extra hair.  She smoothed down that side and trimmed his ends, then she did the same to his other side.  She smoothed it out once more just in case, then washed off her tools.

"There, that only took a second."  She wrapped her arms around him and leaned down, putting her chin on his head.

"What are you thinking about?"  He met her eyes in the mirror.


"Don't lie to me Kaz Rietveld," she scolded, letting go of him and walking to put away her tools, wrapping them up in a silk cloth and tucking them safely into a drawer.

"I'm serious Inej," he protested, twisting in his seat.  Inej rolled her eyes and grabbed the basin full of water and bits of hair.  She walked over to her window and snapped it open, dumping out the bowl, then walking back over to her dresser.  She tipped the pitcher and poured more water in.  Inej thought back to when she first met him, he was so much more open with her now.  She almost didn't recognize him.  She walked over to him and sat on the desk, above him.

"What are you actually thinking about?" she protested.  He stood and put his hands lightly on her hips.

"A certain time in a hotel bathroom."  Inej closed her eyes, remembering.  It was one of her dearest memories.


"And maybe I'll finish what I wanted to do today," he replied, catching her eyes with his own.  She couldn't help but notice that now the light caught his eyes and shone through them, making them look an over-steeped tea color.  His skin was so pale.  She brought a hand up and traced one of the scars on his face.

"Is that right?"  He smirked and–


kissed her forehead lightly, then the tip of her nose, her closed eyes, worshipping her.  She tilted her face up to him, and he kissed the corner of one lip, then the other.  Her hands slithered up his back and to his shoulders, helping him discard his jacket. 


Inej breathed out a sigh as he trailed his lips along her jaw, and beneath it.  She shivered as his bare hands cupped her face.

"Are you fine?  May I keep going?" he asked, leaning his forehead against hers.  She didn't open her eyes.

"Yes, yes.  Are you fine?"  His breathy laugh was soft against her cheeks.

"I'm fine.  I've gotten better with skin contact.  I'm worried about you.  Are–"

"Shut up, Kaz," she growled, grabbing his face with her hands after opening her eyes.  She pulled his lips to hers and kissed him hard.  Her hands slipped to his neck, and his went to the vest she always wore.  He unbuttoned it and she broke her grip so that she could shrug it off.  One of his hands tangled in her loose hair, and the other fingered the hem of her shirt.  His tongue skid over her lips and she moaned, pressing closer to him.  Her hands fell down and then slid up his chest, pushing his shirt up.  Kaz pulled it over his head and threw it to the ground.  As her hands touched his bare chest a light wave of nausea rolled over him, but he ignored it.  He'd waited forever for this moment.  Her hands found his arms and fingered the muscles there.  His hands moved and he unbuttoned her shirt a few buttons down.  (She was wearing a black satin button up).  His lips trailed down her neck and to the soft spot where her neck curved into shoulder. 

He bit down and she arched into him, a groan escaping her mouth as he drew blood.  Inej didn't feel much pain, or any nausea, luckily.  His tongue smoothed over the spot.  His fingers found the rest of the buttons on her shirt and as he fumbled with them she kissed his cheek, and caught his ear in her teeth and tugged on it for being so slow.  He growled and just ripped off the shirt.  She removed her hands from his arms to pull off the shirt.  She was gasping now as his hands trailed up.  He kissed her lips deeply, and she held him down by his neck, a hand running through his silky but short hair.

"Oh Kaz," she panted around his lips as his wandering hands teased her upper half.  He smiled.  They both took a breath and as their lips crashed again the door swung open.

"Inej, have you seen Kaz  we can't–Oh sweet Ghezen!" yelped Wylan as he and Jesper walked into the room.  Kaz looked at the two boys and the look he sent them was enough to make Inej's blood turn cold.  Inej grabbed her shirt and held it across herself.  Kaz grabbed his shirt from the ground and pulled it on, and Inej buttoned her shirt up, luckily he hadn't broken any buttons, they'd all just slipped out of their holes.  She hopped down and ran her fingers through her hair.  As she made to walk away Kaz caught her arm and whispered huskily,

"I'm not done with you."  The shiver that went down her spine and the tingly feeling in her heart was new to her.

It's called love a voice in her mind spoke.  Love.  She was in love with Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the Bastard of the Barrel.  Her best friend.

Hey guys!  So yes, I know you all probably hate me for that, it was so bad, and now you're all going to think less of me because of that.  I'm sorry, but I wanted to do it.  And I gave all of you fair warnings.  But anyway, thanks for reading!  I kind of want to do another one of these scenes later, but maybe not, please comment and tell me.  Thanks for reading, please pardon any mistakes and comment.


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