The Moon

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Kaz didn't bother locking his door, no one would bother him. He pulled off his coat and shirt, and then changed his pants. He washed his face and hands, then scrubbed himself down quickly with a wet towel. Then he sat down on his bed, resting his head in his hands. Inej was leaving tomorrow. It hadn't been enough time. He looked up at his window sill, missing her shadow. Instead she knocked on his door.


"Come in." She slipped into the room, locking the door, and he looked her over. She wore a baggy white shirt, and brown bottoms that were pants cut very, very short. A few inches below her bottom, and black slippers adorned her feet. She walked over to him and sat beside him, staring out the window.

"The moon is beautiful. With that aurora around it, so mysterious," Kaz murmured to break the silence.

"My father used to say that to a bad person the moon's glow is your enemies' souls glaring back down on you. If you're a good person, it's your loved ones shining down on you, and your ancestors," Inej informed him quietly. He swung his head to look at her.

"So that must be why the moon is always so bright for me." She shook her head.

"Your not a bad person Kaz." She leaned agains him and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He lay his cheek on top of her head.

"And you can keep telling me that, but I thought your Suli proverbs taught you not to lie." He smiled as she raised her head.

"They did. I'm speaking the truth. I wouldn't love you if you were a bad person." Kaz felt his heart skip a beat.

"You love me?" he whispered. She rested a palm on his cheek, leaning their foreheads together,

"Yes." He pecked her lips.

"Love is a strong word Inej–"

"I know that. So I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it." She switched positions so she straddled him, his face in her hands.

"Kaz, I know what I'm saying."

"You shouldn't throw that word away on me," he breathed onto her lips.

"You say that, yet you still let me love you, and you love me."

"I do love you. But I don't think I deserve you."

"Well how about for now we pretend you think you deserve me, even though you already do," whispered Inej. Kaz looked deep into her eyes, she trusted him, but what if he hurt her, or scared her. What if she couldn't take what he wanted to do?

"Inej are you sure you're ready–"

"I've waited years for this Kaz."

"I know but I'm worried about you."

"That's sweet. Now be quiet and kiss me."

Kaz obeyed her. Their lips met softly, and his hands on her hips held her in place. He scooted back against the wall, and she stayed straddling him.

She moved her hands down to run her fingers across his chest, and then grip his shoulders as he deepened the kiss. He broke apart their lips and trailed down her neck, coming to the collar of her shirt, kind of like a wall, warning them. but when had Kaz ever given a thought to any warnings? His fingers quickly undid all the buttons, and helped Inej slip it off her arms.

"You're beautiful Inej," he mumbled, and she arched her neck, giving him more exposure. His hands went to her shoulders as his lips found hers again and he pulled her closer. The kissed for a few long moments before he broke away.

"I just realized that all my top half is uncovered... and yours isn't," he smirked. Inej pressed his shoulders into the wall, smiling.


"Shouldn't it be even." She raised her brows and in a swift movement she discarded that article of clothing. She kissed Kaz and he pushed her down on her back on the bed, him on top of her. His hands wandered around as his tongue flicked against her lips. Their kiss deepened and she wrapped her arms around his neck, arching into him. His lips trailed down his neck and she moaned his name.


"I don't know if I can do any more." He nodded. He pulled the covers back and they both climbed under. He rested his head on her chest and she ran her fingers lazily through his hair. He liked this, how they could just be silent and it be comfortable. Not all were so lucky to be close friends with their lover. He closed his eyes, her soothing humming and fingers lulling him to sleep. It pained him to think of how he would have to let her go tomorrow.

Hello peeps! So, my warning might have been a bit dramatic for what it actually was, but I didn't want anyone scared or nothing. Anyway, thanks for reading, stay tuned, please pardon any mistakes. Comment, comment, comment!


P.S. Thanks to @wildwolf65 and @reti_t for commenting what they wanted, I would have waited longer, but I wanted to get this out here, and I think I gave you guys enough time. Hope you liked it! And thanks again!

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