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I have no quote sadly :(

Sorry guys, really short chapter.  But the book is coming to an end!  So I want to give you as much as I can even if it's short!

(Three days after Kaz has left)

Inej had woken up this morning with a bad feeling roiling in her gut.  Now she stood in front of the gun drawer, loading the gun.  Just in case.  Margaretha and Florence were out, she had no idea where though.  Finishing loading the gun she slammed the drawer shut, disappointed in herself for feeling something bad could happen when she was alone.  There were no workers here today and no Margaretha or Florence.  Inej went into her bathroom, brushing out her long hair.  A balmy wind wafted through an open window and she let it wash over her, calm her.  Nothing bad would happen, it was just her worry over Kaz making her jumpy.  

Someone knocked on the door.

Inej jumped and then placed a hand over her heart, which was hammering.  Grabbing the gun and cocking it she advanced to the door.

"Who is it?" she called out, looking through the peephole.  

"Nina!"  Inej cursed quietly, putting the gun on a table by the door.  Unlocking all the locks she let Nina in.  Nina glided in wearing her signature red kefta, hair piled in a bun on her head.

"Inej!"  She hugged Inej awkwardly, and Inej hugged her back.  Inej locked the door again and when she looked deep into Nina's green eyes the same emotion was in her eyes as the last time she'd seen her.  Guilt.  Leading her into the kitchen Inej asked,

"Want anything to eat?"  Taking a bite of a large cookie and muffling her words.

"No, thanks though."  Nina was wringing her hands together nervously, glancing around the house.

"So–Kaz grew up here?  Isn't it sad being here without him?"  Inej gave her a confused look, then remembered he was 'dead'.

"I feel closer to him this way.  It makes me happy he lived in such a nice place."  Inej put her left hand on the table as pain glided through her.  Nina looked up at Inej from where she sat.

"You good?"  Inej grimaced.

"Yeah."  Then Nina noticed the ring.

"What. Is. That?"  Inej looked down at the ring in horror, then masked that horror with sadness.

"I found this in one of his drawers."  Nina stood, placing her hands on her friend's shoulders.

"He was going to propose?"  Inej nodded, trying to keep sadness on her face.  Nina started crying.  Inej's eyebrows shot up.

"What is it, Nina?"  Nina shook her head, sitting down and putting her face in her hands.  Sobs racked her body.

"Oh, 'Nej.  I am so sorry.  I was–am– so selfish and jealous.  I don't deserve to be your friend."  Inej rubbed her friend's shoulders.

"No, Nina,  I love you.  What's wrong, you've done nothing wrong!"  Nina looked up at her.

"I hired her."

"What?"  Inej's brow furrowed, and she leaned closer.

"I hired Angelique to kill Kaz."

Hehehe.  Weren't expecting THAT now were you?  Anyways, Kaz chapter next then Inej then Kaz and then the book is over!  Hope you guys have enjoyed it!  Now you guys know why Nina felt so guilty!  Who expected it though?  (And don't lie to me).  Please pardon any spelling mistakes and the lack of detail.  Please vote and comment!


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