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Inej didn't want to tell Kaz, well, hadn't told him yet; but a boy, really a man, on her crew had been flirting with her. He was twenty three, with deep brown skin and eyes with short shaved black hair. He was muscular and was one of her best men. He'd been making advances on her for a few months. It wouldn't be long before Kaz found out.  Inej looked at Kaz from the sill and smiled mysteriously.

"What is it?" he demanded. 

"Nothing," she lied as she took in the new scar above his left brow and the way the moon stained his eyes a more burnt black color.   He stood up and walked over to her.  He held out a hand, and she took it, hopping down.  Just the feel of his cold skin against hers sent shivers running through her.  She sat down in his desk chair as he went over to the wash basin and washing his hands.

"How was it out at sea?"

"Less slavers."


"Yes.  But..."

"Yes?"  Kaz looked at her in the mirror above the basin.  She met is eyes, hoping he couldn't see the embarrassment she felt so strongly.  

"Well, um, there's a man," she stopped to take in air, and some emotion flit across his face, "And this man has been making advances on me.  I thought I might as well tell you–"


"Well, because I didn't want you to be surprised when you take me back to the ship if he acts oddly."

"What's his name?"  Inej gulped, she didn't know what he was thinking.  They'd been getting closer to a normal relationship, and what if he tried to hurt Raoul?  

"Never mind Kaz, don't dwell on it."  Kaz came over to her and she stood, tipping her face up to look at him.  He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and said in a husky voice,

"If you're trying to tell me you don't feel anything for me–"

"No Kaz!  That's not what I'm saying at all!" she cut him off quickly.  Inej saw a ghost of a smile flit across his face.  She smiled and shoved him back lightly.

"You were teasing me!  You wanted this reaction!"  He pressed his forehead to hers, and as she waited for a wave of nausea, she closed her eyes, but none came.

"It didn't happen this time Kaz.  I'm getting better," she breathed.

"We're getting better," he corrected, tilting his head to the side and sliding his lips onto hers.  His hand on the side of her head moved behind her neck and another to her waist, hers on his shoulders.  She pushed closer to him, and the kiss deepened.  He pulled away.

"Let's not push our luck today," he sighed.  Inej nodded, she loved these moments, where her past didn't haunt her.  When it was just her and Kaz Rietveld, not Kaz Brekker, demon child of the streets.  She clutched his shirt in her hands to keep him close.  His eyes seemed to have a battle going on in their depths, but he stayed close, for her, and so she released him, with a light kiss on the nose.

"I missed you Kaz."  His crooked grin made her heart skip a few beats.

"I missed you, my Wraith."

Hey guys!  I know it was short, but I hope you liked it.  If you've read my other fanfic, you'll know that I'm better at Kaz and Inej, so I'm liking this one a lot.  Please pardon any mistakes.  Anyway, please, please, please comment, I love to hear what you have to say, good or bad.


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