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I got nothing

(At Nina's)

Inej pulled back on her coat over her white blouse, waiting patiently for Nina to grab her coat from her room. It was chilly this day, and Nina didn't want to catch a cold. Inej tapped at her dagger on her thigh, Nina appearing suddenly.

"Ready?" Inej asked. Nina nodded, and the two walked out, Nina locking the door behind them. They walked in silence for a few minutes before Nina blurted,

"I'm sorry." INej looked over at her friend, making sadness riddle her features.

"It's okay Nina. I'll cope. Right now I don't want to talk about it. I just want to spend time with my friend." Nina wrapped a reassuring arm around Inej's shoulders.

"I'm here for you." The rest of the walk to Wylan's was silent. Inej, for some reason, felt like Nina was slightly happy that Kaz was gone. Now they were even, and Inej felt bad to let think think that Kaz was dead and they were the same. But she wouldn't tell Nina, because she still seemed upset that Inej had even had Kaz when Matty had been dead. They got to the front door and Inej knocked. A new maid opened the door, letting them in. Inej thanked her, asking for her name.

"Marsi." Inej saw that she was holding Margaretha and asked if she could hold the babe.

"Of course," Marsi nodded, transferring the toddler from her arms to Inej's. Margaretha looked at Inej's face and started crying.

"Gone!" she wailed, and Inej held her, comforting her and following Nina and Marsi into the family room where Jesper and Wylan lounged on the grey sofa, the fire small this morning.

"Hello," Inej greeted, keeping standing, her mother had once told her that walking around or just standing seemed to comfort a child. Wylan looked at the two of them and sadness shadowed his face.


"Please, can we not talk about him? It's to hard." Margaretha was quieting, and Inej let her down, the small girl going over to Wylan and Jesper, snuggling between them. Nina had already taken a seat in a cream chair, and Inej plopped down in the matching cream seat.

"I want to tell you all something. Kaz hasn't left us entirely." Inej took a deep breath. I can do this. They'll be happy for me, she thought to herself.

"What do you mean?" Nina asked.

"I'm carrying his child."

Hey guys! So I know this is super short, but I just wanted to do this, hope you liked it. I know, like no detail at all, but I'm trying to get better at that. Hope you all are enjoying the story so far! Please pardon any mistakes and vote! Also, comment!!


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