You don't have to tell me

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Give the child what they want, gosh dangit- My friend (like for real my friend)

(Kaz and Inej in bed, a month later in Lij)

Kaz looked out the window at the rolling land.  His land. Inej was holding his hand beneath the covers, and she squeezed his hand lightly.

"When are you going to talk about it?" Kaz didn't look at her, and he felt a hand on his shoulder. Kaz stiffened, feeling threatened.

"What... happened." Kaz whipped his head around, fear surging up in him. What had happened to him...It had been awful. No matter how strong he pretended to be Kaz was still a young boy.

"It was Hell. Literally and figuratively." Inej's eyes searched his face, as if looking for something. Kaz watched her eyes slide over his new scars, and he resisted the urge to turn his face away.

"You don't have to tell me now," Inej slipped a hand around his shoulders, resting her other hand on his chest, "or ever Kaz. I know there are some things you don't want to talk about. But I am here and I will listen." Kaz looked down at her, and he smiled sadly.

"Inej, I love you. I will not plague you with such thoughts." Inej's brow creased, her eyes clouding with some emotion. Either confusion or anger.

"Just because we are together now, engaged, doesn't make me your small home maker that can't handle something. I don't know if you remember those years in the Barrel with me or not clearly, but sure as hell they were not spent with me as your trophy girl. I am not scared or fragile Kaz, and I will not be treated like I am." With an indignant look Inej flipped back the covers. In once what would have been a graceful jump off the bed but was now a heavy roll Inej left the bed, stalking over to the door.

Kaz cursed himself in his head. Of course Inej wasn't fragile, he knew that! He just...didn't want her to worry about him. She slammed the door open and closed. Kaz shook his head. It had been going so well that day. Sighing, he hopped out of bed and walked to the door, grabbing for the handle but missing. Huh, he thought to himself. Swiping for the knob again his hand went through it. On the third try he grabbed it, shaking it off as a trick of his eyes. Striding our into the hall and into the family room he didn't see Inej. Walking into the kitchen she was nowhere to be seen either.

"Oh shit," Kaz barked as he saw her limp body lying on the ground by the stairs. The cold was slamming into the horse and him, a pesky wind billing at his nose. Running out the open front door and down the steps Kaz collapsed by her side. Checking her pulse Kaz shook her.

"Inej. Inej wake up. Inej!" She didn't move and Kaz put a hand in front of her nose and mouth. She was breathing.

"C'mon Wraith. Get up. I'll go with you to church and pray to your stupid Saints. Just get up!" he cried, shaking her again. Inej didn't open her eyes, not even a peep.

"Oh Ghezen," moaned Kaz. If only he had just told her.

"Inej, please. I'll tell you what happened. Just wake up." Still nothing. Kaz wanted to punch something, but instead he pulled Inej into his lap off the cold ground. As his fingers pushed her hair back he felt something wet.

"Oh no, oh no." Parting her hair Kaz saw a gash on her head. Picking her up he hurried inside. Setting her on the couch he went to the nanny's room. She opened the door, blinking tired eyes. They'd hired her after taking care of Margaretha has been hard and repairing the farm.

"I have to go, pleas watch Margaretha." Then he was gone, grabbing a towel and rushing back to Inej. Pressing it to her head he carried her out to the barn where the horses were. His knee cracked and popped continuously as he was carrying Inej plus twenty or so pounds. The cold whipped at him and Kaz gritted his teeth as snow flakes started to fall.

He looked down at Inej as he opened the barn and walked into its toasty warmth. Groaning, he set Inej in the cart.

"Everything's going to be fine," he assured to her sleeping body. Normally he would patch it up himself but it was to deep, there could be internal bleeding or something. Rigging the horse and cart Kaz mounted the dappled grey horse Margaretha had named Fifilia and rose out. The nearest doctor was five miles, but he didn't have that kind of time. Luckily one mile or so away was a Grisha healer. Clicking his tongue Kaz led the horse down the drive and into the dark of the night.

(Thirty or so minutes later)

Kaz pulled up in from of the grand manor where a wealthy Grisha family stayed. Picking up Inej and rushing to the door he knocked. The Butler came to the door and let them in.

"I'll get Nivoki" was all he said. Kaz waited on the floor, not wanting to sit on the expensive couch with Inej bleeding. The man rushed down the stairs in pajamas. Lax handed him Inej and the man placed a hand over her head.

"How long?" Kaz knew what he meant.

"About an hour." Nivoki grimaced, closing his eyes.

"I don't know if she will make it, especially losing this much blood a minute," he said in a thick Ravkan accent while gesturing with his already bloody hands to the blood pooling on the white tile floor. Kaz ran a hand through his hair.

"Just do what you can."


Word count: 980

Hey guys! So I know this was shorter and not detailed, but I'm tired and trying. Also on my phone, so if you see any mistakes sorry, stupid autocorrect and tiny screens. Hope you enjoyed, and I gave you what you wanted children.
Inej asked, he declined just saying it was bad. Maybe later they'll truly talk. I hope I displayed Inej correctly, and Kaz. Anyways, please vote and comment, or would really mean a lot to me.


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