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I am not a maiden in need of defending, I am grown- Meet Me Inside, Hamilton

(The night they're leaving)

Kaz was reading one of the books in his room when Inej came in, Margaretha in tow.

"I got us a boat!" she announced.  Kaz stood, smiling at her.


"Montah!" the baby cried, running to him.  Kaz swept her up, saying in his mind, Not Death, not Death. Until it became an annoying buzz in his head.  The babe's soft eyes glinted in a way that made Kaz shiver, and Inej said,

"Are you getting sick?"  Kaz looked at her, setting down the child.

"No."  Inej gave him a quizzical look and picked up Margaretha, ruffling the girl's hair.

"We need to–"

"I already packed."  Inej bristled, and not just from the cold wind coming through the window.

"You went outside of the room to my room and packed my things?"


"What if you had been seen!"  Inej shook her head at his foolishness and Kaz snapped,

"You can't expect me to have stayed holed up in this room.  A crow must stretch their wings."  Inej pinched the bridge of her nose, squinting her eyes shut.  Kaz turned, going to the window and slamming it shut.  He hated to anger her but he was not a prisoner.

"What time do we leave?"

"Midnight."  Kaz looked over at Margaretha, and she smiled cheekily at him.  Kaz braced himself against the window and felt Inej's hand rest on his shoulder.

"Kaz, I'm sorry.  I'm just worried about you."  Restlessness was flowing through him and he cracked his neck, standing up straight.

"I'm sorry, but I– I just can't think like this.  I need some fresh air."  He strode for the door but Inej grabbed his arm.  Kaz stopped, she was stronger than he thought she was.

"You are not leaving."  Her voice was steel.  Kaz growled, spinning around to face her.

"You are not my mother–"

"But I am trying to save your ass.  So you are going to stay in this room and not get yourself killed.  Open the damn window if you need fresh air."  Kaz bristled at the condescending tone.

"I am done with this rotting, dim room.  I want to feel the wind all over me, I want to be down there with my men.  I want to go see Jesper and Wylan.  Inej, I am not patient like you." She was pleading him with her eyes.

"Just a little longer."


"Kaz!  Saints, you're so impatient, I don't know why I expected you to be smart."  Kaz snarled at her, and Inej glared right back.

"I just want to be free."

"So, what, you're now my prisoner?"

"That's what it feels like."

"I'm trying to keep you safe."

"I am not a child in need of protection."  Inej rolled her eyes, and Kaz felt anger bubble up.  She just didn't get it!

"I know Kaz.  Just–"

"No, no more of this.  I can go on the roof.  No one looks up."

"Kaz, please."  Inej's tone made him lose it.  She was talking to him like a child that was stupid, that couldn't think right.  Kaz jerked for the door, the space suddenly too small to hold all of them.  Inej lunged after him and he flung out his hand to stop her from blocking him or trying to stop him. 

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