Lemon Bars

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Kaz followed quickly after into the kitchen, and Inej looked up when the door shut. She went over to his side and took his hand, leading him over to the kitchen table. Two platters were set with small bars dusted in powdered sugar on the table, and Inej grabbed one, as everyone was doing, putting it on the delicate china plate before her. She looked up at Kaz, letting go of his hand to grab her fork and knife.

"Aren't you going to get one, Kaz?" He shook his head.

"No. I'd rather not."

"Why not? Are my desserts not good enough for the Bastard?" harumphed a petite maid.

"I'm sure that's not it Angelique, your desserts are amazing. Kaz just isn't used to the graceful flavors of fine dining," assured Jesper, who had already stuffed down two of the things. She kissed Jesper's cheek.

"Thank you, Jes." Suddenly a little toddler waddled in, giggling. Angelique let out a surprised, 'Oh!' and picked her up.

"What is that?" asked Kaz, and Inej kicked him under the table.

"It's a she, and she happens to be Wylan's stepsister," hissed Inej to Kaz. She cursed him in her mind, he could be so thick! Wylan looked at Angelique.

"I was informed she was put to sleep."

"And she was sir, she must have awoken when that demon's spirit came over the thresh hold," responded the maid.

"You will not speak of my friend like that. Leave us," ordered Wylan, and Inej saw the new merchant Wylan Van Eck command his servant like a real merch, not little Wy who couldn't read and blushed at every little thing. The maid crossed herself as she passed Kaz and threw something at him out of her pocket.

"Go back to the burning pit of Hell you came from." Inej stood up, setting down her fork, which had a delicious looking piece of lemon bar on the end of it. She walked over to the girl and whispered something only she could hear in her ear, all the while the toddler was watching them all with fascinated eyes. The Zemeni-tanned maid paled and hurried out. Inej walked calmly back to her seat and sat down. She ate the small piece of lemon bar and her eyes fluttered shut. The acidity of the bar slid over her tongue, and the sweetness of the sugar, and she swallowed it.

"That is an amazing dessert. Kaz, you really must try some," she insisted. And only then did she realize everyone was looking at her.

"What?" she insisted.

"What did you say to her?" asked Nina. Inej laughed.

"I just told her that if she insulted Kaz, or any of you, I have my own little present for her."

"What?" Nina asked. Inej shrugged.

"Nothing important."

"Inej, what is it?" insisted Wylan.

"Her eyes on a platter, so she would no longer have to look at any demons," the Suli-girl said nonchalantly.

"Two demjins. What a joy," muttered Nina, taking Matthias' nickname for Kaz. Wylan informed her that that was highly inappropriate of her, but then they all went back to eating and conversing.

"Kaz, you really must try some, it's delicious!" exclaimed Nina.

"You say that about everything, Nina," he pointed out. Nina rolled her eyes.

"Kaz, please, try it?" begged Inej.

"Stop nagging me! I don't want to!" Kaz snapped. Inej shrunk back. He looked around apologetically and Jesper cleared his throat.

"Tell us a story from sea Inej." She consented and told them a few stories. Then again the door opened and a screaming toddler came in. Angelique rushed after it, but stopped when the baby grabbed onto Kaz's chair, not daring to go near. Kaz looked down at the toddler and lifted them up onto his lap.

"Hello, little dear."

"Put her down! Down I say!" Angelique advanced forwards a bit.

"Don't move." Kaz put a hand softly around the girls neck, then took it off. The girl stopped crying and she looked up at Kaz.


"No, little dear. Monster," he smiled.


"Monster," he nodded. She grabbed a fistful of his shirt and jerked on it. One of his hands, which he had re-gloved before going into the kitchen, took her hand and eased his shirt out of the fist. She looked up at him, blue eyes so wide.

"Dada Montah!" she clapped, giggling. Kaz pet her head, which was filled with a mound of carrot orange curls. Kaz shook his head.

"Will you go to bed for your Monster?" The girl buried her face in his shirt. Inej looked at him and him at her, and she saw the raw emotion in his eyes as he looked down at the innocent soul.

"Me no go bed." He pat her back and whispered,

"Let Miss Angelique take you to bed."

"Montah, me want Montah."

"I'll be there, hiding under your bed. Don't worry little one," he assured, shooing her off his lap. She looked up at him.

"Me love Montah." Then she toddled back over to Angelique, who was staring at him, chilled to the bone. Inej had been watching in fascination, the child loved Kaz. Well, not loved, but she felt attached to him. She watched Angelique pick up the toddler and the little girl rested her head on her shoulder. As Angelique turned to leave he girl yawned and waved.

"Bye, bye Montah." Kaz waved and as the door closed Angelique threw something at him again, then the door slammed shut. Kaz just turned to look at them and Inej leaned into his side smiling. All Kaz said was,

"Wylan, please ask her to stop throwing salt at me." Inej laughed and lifted her head to kiss his cheek.

"That was sweet of you Kaz," Nina said. Kaz shrugged.

"He told her he was a monster!" exclaimed Jesper.

"Doesn't that freak any of you out?" Wylan grabbed his hand.

"Jes, it's fine. And I'll tell her Kaz."

"Whatever happened to Alys?" Inej questioned, it had been a year or so since she'd been home.

"Her and that music artist ran off after Maragretha, the babe, was born," Wylan said. Inej nodded, feeling bad for the young girl. She stood and so did Kaz.

"We must be going, I'm sorry," Inej apologized. Wylan waved them away.

"It's fine. Just come tomorrow night for dinner." Inej and Kaz nodded and walked out. Once they were out Kaz turned to her.

"Can you go wash out your mouth and your hands for me?"


"Because I can't touch you as long as the lemon bar is still on you."


"I'm allergic to lemons."

Hey guys! Sorry, not long or very good, but I thought it would be funny if Kaz was allergic to something as simple as that. Anyway, I don't know if I'll update again tonight, hope you liked it. Thanks for reading! Please pardon any mistakes and please, please comment!


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