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Let me have a moment, let me say goodye– Stay I Pray You, Anastasia the Musical

(Right where the last chapter left off)

Inej grabbed Kaz's arm, squeezing painfully. Tears shone in her eyes and she sobbed,

"I can't do it." Kaz dropped to his knees beside her, wiping the tears from her face with his thumb.

"Of course you can."

"No, I'm scared Kaz." Inej took in a shuddering breath, and Kaz reassured her,

"Inej, you are the bravest woman I know. You went through Hell and back in the Barrell, and you stayed with me in my darkest moments. I have never seen you afraid. So I will not let you be afraid now." Inej held his arm tighter but Kaz ignored the pain. Inej shook her head.

"Those are just words, Kaz." The doctor piped up from the end of the bed,

"It has to happen soon, please Mrs. Rietveld, listen to your husband." Kaz nodded, kissing her forehead.

"He's right, please Inej. We're going to have a baby, a wonderful, beautiful baby. So let's do this." Inej nodded, and Kaz kissed her. When he pulled away she gasped out,

"Just to clarify, we are not having a baby. I am. You're just the father." Kaz rolled his eyes.

"Hopefully the baby doesn't have your sarcasm." Inej glared at him.

"Hopefully they don't have your dark humor," she snapped back.

(I'm just going to skip the birth and stuff)

Kaz and Inej sat on the bed, leaning back against the pillows. Inej held a baby girl, and Kaz held a small baby boy. The doctor stood nervously at the end of the bed.

"Mr. Rietveld? May I have a word with you?" Kaz looked up at the young, fidgety doctor.

"Yes." Calmly he handed Inej the baby, standing and walking behind the doctor out of the room. Just a moment ago he had been so happy, but now the dark chaos of doubt was seeping into him. Closing the door and turning around he faced the doctor.

"What is it?" His tone was low and gruff, tired almost. The doctor wrung his hands, a worried look on his face.

"The boy will not survive. He will be dead in a few short hours." Kaz looked at the man, bewildered. Slowly the information sunk in, and Kaz clenched his hands into fists.

"Now, that's all you'll be needing of me," the doctor sighed, starting to turn around. Kaz caught his arm.

"There's nothing you can do?" The doctor shook his head. Kaz shook his head, pressing a wad of bills into his hand. The man's blonde hair shifted as he looked at Kaz in the eyes.

"I'll be back." Then he scuttled out of the room, giggling. Kaz shook his head, wiping furiously at his eyes. Why did misfortune follow them everywhere? And what did he mean by he'd be back? Kaz sighed, walking into the room. Inej looked up at him.

"What is it?" Kaz went over to her.

"I'm sorry." He kissed her and Inej held the side of his face, pulling away.

"Really Kaz, trust me." Kaz stroked her cheek with his thumb. Rourke started wailing and Inej broke their look, starting to prepare to feed him. Kaz turned away, taking the baby girl. She lay quiet, sleeping soundly in her blanket. Nallia's small hand curled up into the air, reaching for his face even in her sleep. Kaz kissed the small baby's forehead.

"I love you. And I'll always be here for you. I promise." Inej let out an exasperated breath at Rourke and Kaz held the baby girl tighter, but not tight enough to smother her. She was his child, and he would not let her go.

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