CHapter 15~~i cant be

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It is the next morning, sure I feel sick, but that could be anything. It's not like I'm pregnant. But what if I am. I run into the woods quickly and check, because a couple days ago my monthly friend chills have started. Oh go figure, not here. It's probably late. I'm not pregnant. I enter camp again and get a concerned look from Daryl.  He walks over to me.

"Everything alright"

I whispered "my monthly friend is just being annoying and stupid and late like it is every month"

He looked at me confused for a second and I gave him the look of 'come on it's not difficult.' "Are you?" He looked down, skeptical, at my stomach

"I don't thinks so, no"  I looked up at him "I think we should go on a run... try and find something"

He nodded, I hope he understood what I'm implying. We walked over to the fire. Carol handed some squirrel to everyone, but me.

"Oh I'm sorry, Maria, were all out"

"I've gone weeks without food before, I'll be fine" She rolled her eyes and walked off. Daryl gave me half of his food. "Are you sure, I'm mean, I'll be fine"

"Eat" I listened to him and ate, but then I stood up and ran into the woods. I threw up everything I just ate. Daryl and Lori walked in after me

"You alright, honey?" Lori asked.

"Yea, uh, just a little stomach ache"

"Ok" she walked back into camp.

"Let's go tell Rick about that run" I nodded and we walked into camp.

"Rick, were going on a run, mainly for more medications, if we find any, and food and water" Daryl told rick

"You have to-"

"I want to go on a run. So does Georgia"

He nodded "back by sundown"

"Alright" we walked over to our tent. We grabbed our weapons and threw them into the truck, along with some backpacks. Then Lori walked up "be safe out there"

"We will" I told her.

"Don't do anything" she winked at us. I wanted so badly to say 'no promises' but I stayed silent. She walked off, we climbed into the truck and drove to the nearest town, Macon... we went to the pharmacy first.

"So I'll look for what I'm looking for. You look for meds. Be safe" I kissed him and he went looking for meds. I found the area for pregnancy prevention things and pregnancy tests. I grabbed a few, along with some protection and shoved them in my bag. I grabbed some food and water, along with anything else that could come to use. I then walked towards where Daryl was, we met in the office, lee's family's office. We blocked of the pharmacy door and the store door.

"You find what you were looking for?" He asked.

"Yea. And I grabbed a box of condoms so if I'm not we can at least be safe about it" I looked him in the eye. He leaned down and kissed me, which turn to make out, and I'm sure you can guess what happened next.

~some bow chikka wow wow later~ (comment if you laughed. I had to use this idea before I forgot. Leave more I can use in the future, in the comments)

"We should get going" I nodded "think we can stop when we get on the highway, that way I can take the test?"

"Sure?" We ran to the truck, climbed in and drove.

~an hour later~

We stopped on the highway and got out.

"Do you know how to do this?"


"So I can stand over here?"


I pissed on the stick.

"Now we have to wait about five to 10 minutes to find out if I am or not, according to the box"

After waiting the amount of time it took I read the thing. A plus. "What's it say, darlin?"

I climbed in the truck and cried repeating "I don't want to bring a baby into this hell" and "it's mine and Daryl's. It'll be adorable"

"Darlin. Are you?" Daryl asked. I showed him the stick

"Yea I am. I don't want to bring it into the world. This is hell. This isn't something a kid can live through" I looked at him. He placed his hand on my stomach

"I'll love you both equally" he smiled. He handed me some meds he found, they were to help with the nausea.

"Thank you" I looked at him "what are we going to tell the group? I got knocked up and now I'm pregnant in the middle of this hell"

"We will figure it out" we drove back to the farm, and ran over the test, no evidence, no way anyone can find out. We got back to find everyone inside, eating. We walked in and he sat next to me.

"Your 5 minutes late" Rick said.

"Walkers" I said Lori gave me and Daryl some food, maybe Carol is off food duty.

"Thank you for opening your home and land to us Hershel. We owe you one" rick said. We all smiled and cheered the I saw Glenn and Maggie passing a note.

After food I walked over to lori, we were away from everyone. "You had Maggie get you a pregnancy test the other day, didn't you?"

"Yes but please be quiet about it. I don't know if it rick's or Shane's"

I was shocked. "Shane? Before or after you thought he was dead?"

"While I thought he was dead" I nodded.

"Can you keep my secret if I keep yours?"


"I took a pregnancy test today. It said positive"

"Daryl's?" I nodded.

"Your house?"

"Probably" I hugged her

"Keep this between up" she said

"Of course" I smiled. I then walked over to my and Daryl's tent. He surprised me and we laid down together.

"Took you awhile"

"Sorry..." I hugged him, then I rolled over, my back facing him. We kinda laid there until he kissed my neck, then I fell asleep.


Little note. As of now, I've been writing and trying to postal least one chapter a day. So if that slows down, don't get mad at me. Thank you

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Chou my squirrels

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