Chapter 16~~you fucking shot him!

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Little note. If you read He's all I got (sequel to occupation badass) you shall understand my reference. But before I say anything: SPOILER WARNING!!! Skip this if you don't want a spoiler.


To the story:


Today Daryl was helping look for Sophia, so I relaxed and looked around. Lori decided she was going to tell Rick. Andrea was on watch, Daryl was gone, Lori was busy, Rick was busy, lee Clem and Kenny were on a run, Carl in his room reading his comics, Carol I still hate, t off doing something, Shane doing a shooting training, and Glenn was on another 'run' with Maggie.

Everyone was busy but Beth. So she and I were taking.

"Hey Beth" I said.


"How are you? We haven't gotten to talk much since I came here"

"It's good. How bout you? You seemed sick all day, and upset after the run, yesterday"

"Keep a secret?"

"Your pregnant?"

"How did you?"

"Most people want that a secret these days. Your like most people I guess, but at the same time, you aren't"

I smiled "keep it secret?"

"Locked to my heart" I smiled and hugged her

"Thank you. So anyway-" we heard a gun shot and I ran to the look out post. Andrea shot something. When rick and T carried it back. I saw Daryl.

Andrea climbed down and kept repeating "I thought he was a walker" and "I'm so sorry"

I looked at her "shut up. Wait to see what your shooting at!"

"Isn't this Sophia's?" T asked. Her doll.

I looked at Andrea. "You better hope I don't kill you. If he dies, you die" I said calmly "it's simple. If you killed him. I still am mad at you thought" I slapped her.

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry won't cut it!" I pushed her back "I can't believe you fucking shot him!"

"Technically I skimmed his head"

"No difference! Could have left me and my-" I cut myself off "never mind"

"You and your what?"

"Me and My inborn child without him!" I yelled at her. welp secrets out. She looked me up and down.

"No wonder. When you guys went to your house for 'memorbelia' or how bout 'hunting' the other day, even better, the 'run' yesterday? While we are working our asses off to protect our camp your getting knocked up!"

"Oh shut up! You know what? You've been a bitch since your sister died! But that doesn't mean you can try and shot the only person who's keeping me from killing myself!" I slapped her again.

"You've been a cry baby since you discovered your whole family was dead!"

"You know what?! I mourn my deaths my own way! I watched family die before any of this! At least I haven't gone insane!" She musta had enough because she slapped me, then tackled me, attempting to strangle me "do it! Kill me! You can't!" The guys pulled her off of me.

"I could kill you! In a second! And you know what?! At least the men I fall for don't wear ears around their necks!"

I gave her the finger "fuck off!" And walked up to where Daryl is. I sat down in the corner and watched Hershel work. I found a journal so I started writing.

4 months since the outbreak.

2 months and 10 days since the quarry was overrun and Martha and Juan were found dead.

2 months and 9 days since Loretta and Mark found dead, along with rest of family.

2 months and 8 days since mine and Daryl's first time together, when I believe i got pregnant from.

2 months and 6 days since we meet lee, Kenny, and clementine.

1 month and 8 days since Daryl and I got into a fight about how he refuses to show emotion around others.

1 month and 7 days since the CDC blew and I tried to die.

3 weeks since Sophia went missing. 3 weeks since I got to The Greene Farm. 3 days since the others showed up.

Less then 24 hours ago I learned I was pregnant with Daryl's baby

20 minutes since Andrea and I got into a fight because she shot daryl.

At the bottom I wrote death counts
Martha Lopez: deceased
Juan Lopez: deceased
Loretta Kent: deceased
Mark Kent: deceased
Greg Kent: deceased
Kent sister: deceased
Kent sister husband: deceased
Merle Dixon: unknown
Daryl Dixon: alive
Georgia Kent/Maria Lopez: alive
Unborn baby #2: alive
Lori grimes: alive
Rick grimes: alive
Carl grimes: alive
Unborn baby #1: alive
Andrea: alive
Amy: deceased
Dale: alive
Shane Walsh: alive
Theodore (T-Dog): alive
Glenn Rhee: alive
Lee Everette: alive
Clementine: alive
Kenny: alive
Katija: deceased
Kenny Jr. (Duck): deceased
Larry: unknown
Lilly: unknown
Doug: alive
Carley: deceased
Carol: alive
Sophia: unknown
Ed: deceased
Jiaqiu: deceased
Jim: deceased
Hershel Greene: alive
Maggie Greene: alive
Beth Greene: alive
Patrica: alive
Odis: deceased
Dr. Edwin Jenner:deceased

Deceased: 16
Alive: 21
Unknown: 4
Fatal overtime: 39 good people.

I closed the journal to see Daryl looking at me. "Hey darlin. Whatcha writing?"

"Just how long it's been since the outbreak, deceased count, alive count, unknown count, total count. That stuff. A lot of it is dates and stuff"

"Read me an entry or two" I nodded.

"It's been 3 days. Atlanta isn't, but at least I've found you Daryl" I looked at him and continued to read :so far none Dead. We have quite a few people in our group though. I wonder how my family is"

"Is that the first entry?"


"Next one please?"

"Two months and 11 days ago this started everywhere. We were told stay out of the city. We meet a group. Daryl thought me how to shoot a crossbow... I shot a dead, but a walker ate it. I hugged him today. I got gutsy so I told him my feelings for him... he felt the same way, so we decided to give us a shot, even in this hell" I looked at him and said the last line "in glad I have him. He's my redneck, and my redneck only. I love him for who he is and don't care about others" he smirked.

I turned the page "2 months and 10 days ago since the outbreaks now. I was held hostage, but we found what was left of merel. Some guy, Rick, handcuffed him to the roof. I went with but got caught by a group who wanted out guns. I came close to death down also. These men raped me. The treated me horribly. Daryl saved me. I still love him, I always will."

I look at him, feeling like I'm going to cry.  I don't, I suck it up "want another entry?"


"This is the last one tonight" I turned the page "two months and 8 days after the outbreak. We decided to go to Macon before the CDC. I found my family, the Kent family is dead. Daryl helped me Barry the bodies and I hugged him. We decided to go to our houses, which we went to mine first. I got to change me clothes, but Daryl ripped my favorite shirt off of me, literally. Before we knew it we were having a lot of fun. ;-) this was the day DarylDixon and I shared out first time together, but I hope I don't get pregnant"  I sat next to him in the chair, and slept.

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