Chapter 17~~sophia...

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I woke up, Daryl wasn't next to me. He was in the corner, so of course, I walk over to him..

"Dar?" I looked at him he turned around. Yellow eyes. Rotting teeth. Rotting skin. The zombie him got closer to me. "Screw it! Mis as well die"

I kissed the zombie him, which bit my tongue. He pushed me down, butting down, tearing out the side of me neck.

~end of dream~

It's been a few days since Daryl got shot. I'm getting woken up by dar. "Darlin it's only a dream"

I opened my eyes, but they need to adjust to the light. I looked Daryl into the eyes. "Dar?" I had tears streaming down my face "you were a walker and you tore out my shoulder/neck"

He just hugged me. No words, just a hug. I cried into his chest, and he just held me, making sure I fine.

"A-are you alright dar?"

"Yes darlin. I'm fine now that you are in my arms, safe and I know your safe"

I smiled at him "so what happened out there?"

"The horse I was riding got spooked. Threw me down a slope. Well rolling down, my arrow punctured through my abdomen. I kept seeing merel, but I was knocked out. Some walkers showed up, I killed one with a a different bolt, then pulled the one out of my side. I cut off their ears and put them on around my neck"

"The guys took them and threw them"

"Figured, anyway, I stumbled here. And someone shot at me grazing my head"

"Andrea. Andrea shot you. I got into a fight with her. She strangled me" he looked at me worried. "And I may have let the cat out of the bag when I got mad because she shot you" I rubbed the back on my neck nervously.

"I'm just worried about you. Did she hurt you?"

"A little. Her words hurt a little more then her actually attempting to hurt me.." I explained to him everything that happened and he just looked at me after words.

"I'd say getting knocked up in this day and age could be both a good thing, and a bad thing. It's also better then doing absolutely nothing" he smirked. I smiled at him then he asked. "You know when doc said I can get out of here?"


Hershel walked in "how you doing Daryl?"

"Good. When can I leave this room?"

"Anytime. Just be carful. No looking for the girl for a bit" he nodded and started to get up. I got up ready to help him if he needed help.

"Dar, you can lean on me if you need help"

"Ok" he tried to take a step but nearly fell so I laid his arm over my shoulders and I wrapped my arm around his waist, trying to avoid the Wound from his crossbow bolt. I helped all the way tell we got outside.

"You didn't have to help"

"No, but I wanted to help. You helped me, I should help you"

"Let me try doing this on my own quickly" I let him try to walk and stuff for his own. He smiled "you know I was faking not being able to walk while. I just wanted you to help me. Let me have my arm around you shoulders"

Rick walked over to us "if you haven't heard, there's walkers in the barn. I'm going to talk with Hershel on what he wants done."

Rick, Hershel, and Beth's boyfriend, all walked into the woods. Daryl and I walked to the rest of the group, by the barn. Shane was handing out guns. He went to hand me a shot gun but he handed it to Andrea. He handed me a little gun.

"I can handle a big gun Shane! I'm not 10. Plus Hershel doesn't want us to have them. And I for one don't trust her with a gun" I said pointing at Andrea when I said her.

"I said I'm sorry. Get over it, slut" I cracked my knuckles. But when I went to punch her Daryl stopped me.

"Sunshine, you should shut up, and next time you shot me, you better hope I'm dead"

"Yes because her getting knocked up is ok"

"And you shooting me is ok?"

"I never said that Daryl" she looked at him. "You've know her for what? Since the beginning of this hell?"

"I've known Georgia longer then I've know any one of you" he said, pulling me closer to him "and I'd save her before anyone, even myself"

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Yet you've broken her heart once, and you've made her afraid of you once"

My smile faded. "Drop it Andrea" I glared at her "or you can be on my list of people I want to kill. Those people all use the name Maria for me"

Carol , Glenn, and T all looked at me afraid.

I smiled at Glenn and T "you guys don't need to call me Maria anymore. You've made up for trying to burn my parents"

They nodded.

"We should deal with the walker issue" Shane said.

"I don't think this is right" I said. Then Rick, Hershel, and Beth's boyfriend came back.

"Why do your people have guns?" Hershel asked rick

"I don't know?" He glared at Shane.

"Is this alive" Shane shot the walker Hershel was holding three times "that's the lungs and heart! Would someone alive survive that?!"

"Enough Shane!" Rick said

"Your right. That is enough" Shane walked up and shot the walker in the head, the he ran up and broke the lock on the barn. Walkers started pouring out....

We shot all of the walkers, but we still heard small growls then I saw her. "Daryl. Please hold back Carol" I said as Carol ran forward.

Sophia slowly walked towards us, the bite on the shoulder I told her to use to get back to the highway. I walked up and shot her in the head. Then I ran off. I climbed a tree and sat there crying and repeating "this is my fault"

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