Chapter 27~~I HATE YOU, but i still love you

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I'm still mad at Daryl and it's been a week. I go to see Michonne today, but she's not here, has t been for the whole day

"Where is she?! Where is Merle?!" I started asking everyone who knew about the deal

"Maybe he took her?" Rick said

"He wouldn't" Daryl said

"He is the only other person not here! Damnit Daryl for all I know my friend is dead!"

"He didn't do it!"

"Look at the clues Daryl Dixon! Your brother and her are gone. He didn't want the war. He probably caused this!"

"Fine! I'll go get him from the meeting place!

"Georgia?" Michonne asked

"Where's Merle?!" Daryl asked

"Left to finish some unfinished business. Took me and left me to walk back here."

"I hate you and your brother Dixon!" I said and I stormed off.

I started writing in my journal

15 months 1 week.

God Daryl is a bitch. He fucking told me his brother wouldn't take Michonne but she did. He left a bruise on my arm. I told him I hate him.

Merle is Gone and I watched Daryl leave to where he went. I have a feeling Merle is dead, but I don't know yet

We discovered lee got bit.... we had to put him down. I took Clem in.

Martha Lopez: deceased
Juan Lopez: deceased
Loretta Kent: deceased
Mark Kent: deceased
Greg Kent: deceased
Kent sister: deceased
Kent sister husband: deceased
Merle Dixon: unknown
Daryl Dixon: alive
Georgia Kent-Dixon: alive
Merle Sophia Dixon: alive
Lori grimes: deceased
Rick grimes: alive
Carl grimes: alive
Judith Grimes: alive
Andrea: alive
Amy: deceased
Dale: deceased
Shane Walsh: deceased
Theodore (T-Dog): deceased
Glenn Rhee: alive
Lee Everette: deceased
Clementine: alive
Kenny: alive
Katija: deceased
Kenny Jr. (Duck): deceased
Larry: deceased
Lilly: deceased
Doug: deceased
Carley: deceased
Carol: alive
Sophia: deceased
Ed: deceased
Jiaqiu: deceased
Jim: deceased
Hershel Greene: alive
Maggie Greene: alive
Beth Greene: alive
Patrica: deceased
Odis: deceased
Dr. Edwin Jenner:deceased
Mike: deceased
Carlos: deceased
Sarah: deceased
Jane: alive
Sarita: deceased
Christa: deceased
Omid: deceased
Rebecca: deceased
Alvin: deceased
Ben: deceased
Pete; deceased
Nick: deceased
Luke: deceased
Thomas: deceased
Oscar: deceased
Axle: alive
Big tiny: deceased
Andrew: deceased
Michonne: alive

Deceased: 42
Alive: 18
Unknown: 1
Total overtime: 61 people

Atlanta: overrun
The quarry: overrun
Macon: overrun
The CDC: blew up
The farm: overrun
The prison: safe, for now.
Woodbury: dangerous

I smiled at my writing. I love documenting this.thats when I heard Daryl's bike and he came into the cell block, crying?! I walked over to his cell

"I'm sorry Georgia. I'm sorry about what he did. I'm sorry for what I did" Daryl said to me. I hugged him

"What's wrong"

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