Sleepover 1 Part 2 aCTION

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(I apologize for the title)

(Michael's POV)

I paused the game while he was gone, and just thought.

How am I supposed to flirt with him??

He's straight, there's not even a point.

Why can't he look at me like he looked at Christine?

God, I wish I had a Squip.

What? No, I don't... Jeremy says it's awful.

And I'll believe Jeremy no matter what.

Would I believe him if he said he liked me?

No, of course not, he would be joking to mess with me.

Michael, that contradicts what you just said.

I know, Michael! Ugh.

What if I suggested we went to the pool tomorrow? The pool is fun.

We can swim, and he'd be shirtless, and I would splash him, and he'd be shirtless, and we would laugh, and cannonball into the water, and he would not be wearing a shirt...

A hand was in front of my face.

"Michael? You okay?"

"Oh! Uh, yeah!" I answered quickly. How long had he been trying to get my attention??

"You sure?" He looked genuinely concerned. "You were sitting there blankly for a bit."

"I was just thinking. Hey, do you wanna go to the pool tomorrow?"

"I dunno if I can, I grew out of my trunks from last year, and Amazon is taking its sweet time to ship me new ones."

"Oh," I said as I looked down at the floor. How can I fix this? How can I fix this? Someone help me.

"Buuuuut, your house has two hoses, right? We can use those for sprinklers or fight with them. I can just put on different clothes after."

"Hey, that's a great idea! Get ready to lose if we fight, though." I smirked a bit.

"You're on," he responded with a grin that made me feel fuzzy. I would say no homo, but I'd just be lying.

"Do you wanna un-pause the game?" he suggested after a few seconds.


As we were playing, I didn't mention that he didn't have another pair of clothes. That would mean he'd have to wear mine. And I would seem nicer, and he would have something from me, so maybe he'd give me something in return,

and he'd be shirtless...


(Hey hi hello you know who it is)

(Please tell me if this story is good enough to satisfy and quench the thirst for boyfs)

(And if you have any suggestions or comments feel free to drop them wherever)

(I will read all of them and I love hearing from my few fans)

(I sound desperate I'll stop now)

(Also fun fact I was listening to Sincerely, Me while walking and I got a lot of looks from people when I danced jaja)

(Okay bye y'all)

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