Hanging Out

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(Jeremy's POV)

(I'll try not to switch POV too often)

(it annoys me when authors do that lol)

School was finally over! Hello, summer. After a stressful year of crushes, Squips, friendships, and hardships, it was finally time to relax.

"Jeremy!" Michael yelled from his PT Cruiser. "Do you wanna come over?"

"Sure!" I yelled back. What a great way to start the summer, hanging out with my best friend. I hopped in and we drove off.

"What do you wanna do?" he asked

"Apocalypse of the Damned, duh!" I responded

"No, I meant for the next three months," Michael chuckled as I had my arms out in excitement for the game. "We have this entire time, we gotta spend it wisely. Maybe we could spend some more time with our new friends? I think Brooke is available tomorrow."

I winced a bit at that. Why did I? I only wanted to spend time with Michael. But why? I can have other friends too.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" I responded. My voice had cracked, he'll know I didn't mean it. But I just saw him giggle a bit to himself and look the other way. In no time at all, we were at his house.

We raced down to the basement as soon as we were in the house. I immediately hopped on his couch, and he went to get the game. While he was upstairs, I relaxed a bit, and noticed how comforting the scent of Michael was on the couch. It made me feel warm. I immediately jumped off of it. Well, that was gay. I heard him coming so I sat back down and grabbed a controller.

"Time to beat level 9!" Michael exclaimed as he plopped next to me on the couch.

"The Cafetorium!" I responded, smiling. He looked at me for a few seconds and then started the game. 

I couldn't focus. Why did he look at me like that? I lost a life. Why did I want him to keep looking at me like that?

(Michael's POV)

I had screwed up.

I didn't mean to look at him for so long. It's just that... his smile...

I could feel myself smiling to myself, thinking of how he looked when he was happy, how I wanted to keep him happy like that. He was just... so cute. I looked over, and he was sucked into the game. His tongue was sticking out, and I had to restrain myself from squealing. 

 I had to tell him that I liked him at some point, but when? And how?

We kept trying to beat the level, smashing buttons, on the verge of sweating, but we couldn't do it. It was getting late anyway.

Jeremy checked his watch. "Yikes. Eleven? I should probably get going Mike." He started to stand up.

"Or you could sleep over," I thought out loud. Shit, I didn't mean to say tha-

"Sure! I'll call my dad." He went upstairs to talk in private, leaving me down in the basement.

Holy crap, I didn't know he'd say yes! My parents aren't home, so we can make dinner for ourselves, and we can do whatever we wan-

"Michael! Can I borrow your pajamas so we don't have to drive over to my house?" Jeremy yelled from upstairs.

"Oh, u-uh surre!" I stuttered. I can't let my love for Jeremy distract me from, well, Jeremy. "I think we have a spare toothbrush too!"

"Thanks bud!" He yelled back. At least I could be his bud. I smiled again. 

He ran back downstairs. "What's for dinner?" he asked. I hid the fact that I was blushing with my sleeve. Do not even think like that....

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