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(Hey y'all!)

(It's been really fun writing this book)

(And I know it probably could've ended a bit better, but I felt like that was a good place to call the ending)

(I'm going to create a new book, though, and it's going to feature tons of Broadway musicals!)

(I'm actually considering making one book for Broadway fluff, and another for smut)

(In case that's something people would be interested in)

(*Intense winking*)

(So yeah! I'll work on finishing my Boyf Amily book soon)

(But for now, I think I'm done with Boyf Luff)

(I'll keep it "incomplete" though in case I want to add another chapter later on)

(Anyway, thank you so much for reading!)

(Here's a little bit that I thought might make someone smile)

(And, of course, it ends suggestively)

(Michael's POV)

I gently ran my thumb over Jeremy's hand, our fingers laced together as we laid on a bean bag. We were laughing together, and I had never felt better.

"Hey, Jer?" 

"Yeah?" he replied, smiling brightly at me. God, is he cute.

"I know I've said it before, but... I love you."

"I love you, too!" 

"Y'know, I honestly waited years to hear you say that," I told him.

"Was it worth the wait?"

"Most definitely." I grinned.

"But why'd you wait so long? You know I would never have been able to leave your side. Even as a..." He paused and made a face of disgust. "Friend."

"I guess I was just afraid to make the first move," I answered. "Or even a move, at that."

"I'm glad you did, though..."

"I am too."

He gave me a small smirk. "Wanna make another move?"

"What do you mean? I like New Jersey. Why would we move?" I hid a smile as I teased him.

"I dunno, I think Wyoming could be pretty fun," he replied, playing along.

I laughed. "Why Wyoming?"

"Why not?" He giggled with me.

"You really are a nord," I said, my voice low, and brought my lips to his.

I could feel his cheeks heat up as I gently held his face in my hand. I smiled as we continued to kiss for a few seconds.

"Only a few more months," I whispered to him.

"Until when?" he asked.

"You know."

"Our birthdays?" I nodded and smiled. He returned a confused expression.

"What's so special ab- Oh."

He grinned back at me and connected our lips once again.

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