the show (Part 2)

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(Jeremy's POV)

Through a highly unnecessary scene of Rich at a urinal (which was more than accurate), I quickly figured out the plot. It wasn't what I expected, but it honestly made a lot more things make sense.

That was why Michael kept asking me questions.

And why he was always on the phone with Rich.

I tried to quiet my thoughts for the time being. I could ask questions later.

They couldn't have hired Keanu Reeves for sure, so what were they going to use for the SQUIP? Would it just be a disembodied voice?

I ignored the many questions racing through my head and focused on the stage. Michael and Jeremy were sitting at a table. Right after the SQUIP was swallowed, just as I remembered.

Before I had time to think, the guy playing me was on the ground, shaking violently. I honestly almost jumped out of my seat and called for help. I relaxed a bit, though, when I realized that Christine and Jake didn't seem concerned about it (besides acting as their characters).

Was that how I looked?

I guess it was.

Even though I experienced everything going on there, it was almost like I was learning more about the whole situation. I was able to see what other people saw, not just my own perspective.

The SQUIP was like a vacuum. He walked onto the stage, and once he was there, I couldn't pull my attention away. Everything was so... real. What he said, how everyone else was around me, how quick everything happened. All of it. It sucked me in.

Brooke and Chloe had their own song that seemed to fit them perfectly. Definitely more fitting for Brooke, though. I knew for a fact that her long "Pinkberry!" note was one of her favorite parts of her performance just by looking at how her face lit up. Everyone in the audience laughed, but I just smiled. Playing herself looked like it was the happiest she'd been in a while.

It wasn't long before I noticed the differences in the public's reactions and mine. When the SQUIP was making stage-Jeremy repeat what his negative thoughts, everyone around me just listened and learned more about how the SQUIP treated me. I, on the other hand, had tears brimming in my eyes. I couldn't decide whether I liked seeing this perspective or hated reliving the moments.  I'd say I was sitting between both opinions.

(Small time skip as Jeremy wipes his eyes with his sleeves a few time, mostly from watching the show and holding back tears, but once from yawning in the dark theatre.)

Before I knew it,  the first act was over. People stood up to stretch or go to the bathroom, but I was glued to my seat. I had to take time to process everything I just saw. Not only that, I also had to prepare myself for everything that would come next.

Of course everything would get worse in the second act. That's how plays work. But I also knew exactly how it was gonna get worse. Which made it, well, worse.

The lights faded into darkness once again. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and prepared myself.

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