S1P4 Falling Asleep

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(Okay so the title sucks but whatever)

(Also I have this head-canon that Jeremy can fall asleep anywhere easily)

(Inspired by my friend who had this supernatural skill)

(Like, how??)

(Can I have a slice of that)

(I can never fall asleep)


(Michael's POV)

I shuffled my lower half a bit away from Jeremy. I could see him start to nod off, knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep for another hour. How could I, with my one love wrapped in my arms?

His breathing slowed and became heavy. I knew this as a sign that he was asleep. I tried to get up, because I didn't want to sleep in my jeans. But as I backed up, he gripped onto me. I immediately fell down from shock, and he put his leg over mine like a koala.

I cannot begin to describe how good this felt. I could've melted right there. But instead, I squeezed him close to me. I watched him sleep peacefully, moving slightly every now and then. I softly, gently planted a small kiss on his forehead. He smiled lightly and nuzzled his face into my neck and chest. I smirked and wondered what he was dreaming about.

(Jeremy's POV)

"Mmh Michael"

"I never knew you were such a great kisser"

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