Sleepover 1 Part 3 (so many parts help)

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(This has a lot of parts haha)

(I might call them something else so they're more easy to distinguish)

(Also I might start a book of one-shots because that's fun)

(Jeremy's POV)

We kept playing Apocalypse of the Damned, but we couldn't beat level 9 no matter how hard we tried. I felt my phone buzz.

"Hold on, pause it for a sec."

It was a text from Christine.

PlayRehearsalEnthusiast: hey how are things with you and Mikey~

QueerAndThere: shut up!! I still don't know if I like him

PRE: Oh but you do

I could feel my cheeks getting hotter.

QAT: I beg to differ

PRE: Whatever

PRE: U two would be rlly cute together tho


"Uh um what?"

"You okay? Your face is all red."

QAT: Crap he saw me blushing

PRE: Ooh


"Sorry I'm just hot," I said as I took my sweatshirt off.

QAT: I'm such a dork

PRE: What did you do heere

QAT: I said I was horny and took my sweatshirt off


QAT: I meant hot

PRE: oh suuuure

QAT: now im cold fuck

PRE: lmao you idiot

"Can I start the game?" Michael asked.

"Oh, um, actually," I checked my phone for the time. "It's past 11, I'm getting kinda tired."

"Aww what! Fine," he complained as he stood up to turn the console off.

PRE: ooh I have an idea

PRE: you should ask him for cuddles because ur cold

QAT: I can't do that! Hell get suspicious

PRE: u guys have been friends for forever it'll be fine

QAT: ugh ok but I'm blaming you if shit goes wrong

PRE: fine by me

"Hey, Michael?"


"I, um, wasn't hot before."


"And now I'm cold."

(Michael's POV)

"Can you... snuggle with me?" Jeremy asked.

I didn't even have to look at myself to know I was red even to my fingers.

"Oh, s-sure! L-let's change into our p-pjs first," I could barely speak through my excitement. Calm down, Michael. Be more chill.

"Nooooooo," he whined as I started heading upstairs. "I want snuggles now."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes jokingly and smiled. I laid down on the beanbag next to him. He scooted closer and wrapped his arm around me. I pulled him close to me so we were squished against each other.

"Mmmm," he lightly moaned as he nuzzled his head into my neck.

Fuck, he's so adorable.

"Michael?" he mumbled. "Can you take your phone out of your pocket?"

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