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(Well, friends, you know what time it is...)


(I'm gonna try to update all three of my stories for y'all~)

(If I don't, let me present you with: tomorrow)

(I am aware of the spelling of the title)

(Oh, also, I have an idea for my "blue heart" book)

(Don't you love my theme)

(It's gay)

(Anyway, I wanted to see if you guys have ideas for the green heart book)

(I also have an idea for the purple heart ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

(But please hit me up with ideas for the green heart!)

(If I find something worthy of an entire story, I might just do it~)

(If it's fluffy, but short, you can always suggest it on my Boyf Luff book!)

(I take requests for fluffy short stories on there)

(Thanks for reading both my stories and this long author's note)

(I love all of you)

(Also hi Shannon)

(Jeremy's POV)

I frantically looked around, trying to see where Michael could've run off to. My first guess was the bathroom. I could hear someone in there, and liquid being poured. I could also hear coughing. 

I quickly opened the door. I knew he had body issues, I couldn't let Michael do this to himself, I couldn-


"Holy fuck Jeremy! Can I not wash my hands in peace?" she screamed at me as she slammed the door shut. I had forgotten she had a cold.

"Sorry!" I called back. She muttered something, but I couldn't make out what it was. It didn't matter, though, I had to find Michael.

I rushed around the house, checking every room, listening intently for his sweet voice. After finding no clues to his location, I gave up and assumed he went home. I sighed and pressed my face against the glass of the back door. However, when I did, I saw a red figure on the swing set. I unlocked the door and ran outside.

"Michael? Why are you out here?" I questioned. He looked up at me with puffy, red eyes.

"Oh, uh, I was just... testing out th-these swings! Yeah. They're for the twins. I j-just wanted to make s-sure they were good enough." He turned away from me and I heard a few sniffles. I knew he was lying, they've had this swing set for years. Christine's little brother and sister had already engraved their names onto the seats using sticks.

"Mind if I tested them out with you?" I asked, sitting down. He turned to me and blushed a little.

"Oh, um, yeah, of course! It isn't even mine, I can't place rules on it." I laughed. This seemed to perk him up a bit.

"Why did you leave?" His smile vanished.

"I, um, didn't like seeing you uncomfortable."

"Oh, okay!" I replied with a smile. It felt nice to hear that one of my friends actually cared about how I felt. "Thanks for, um, actually bothering to consider my feelings."

"No problem," he said back, quietly. He didn't say anything after that, and neither did I. We just sat together, enjoying each other's company.

I suddenly felt drawn to kiss him. I didn't know why.

No, Jeremy, that's gay.

Being gay isn't bad!

You came here to explore your sexuality anyway, right?

What do you have to lose?

You have Michael to lose.

Your only good friend would leave you if you did something like that.


I looked over at him. He looked sad. His lips just sat there, alone. 

Well, that was gay.

And what if I am gay?

This is probably the best way to find out...

But what if he-

Nope, I'm doing this.

"Hey, um, M-Michael?" He turned to look at me.

"Yes?" his lips answered.

"I, um, uh-" I didn't even finish, I just brought my face close to his until we connected. He jumped back in shock. I instantly turned away.

"I'M GONNA GO SEE WHAT THEY'RE DOING INSIDE," I said to him, accidentally yelling. He just nodded back, gaping. I quickly got up and speed-walked inside. 

(Michael's POV)

He closed the door behind him, and collapsed onto the ground. He seemed to be yelling at himself, as he held his head in his hands and paced around frantically.

After about a minute, he finally stopped and sat on the floor in front of the window. He looked directly at me, though it didn't seem like he realized I was looking back. I turned my head a bit so that he wouldn't be suspicious.

He just sat there, looking at me. I was about to get up and go home, but...

I saw him lick his lips.

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