Sleepover 1

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(Jeremy's POV)

(BTW I might use ideas I've seen in other fanfics)

(don't hate me thx)

(also you can comment suggestions of things you wanna see)

(please enjoy)

We decide to make eggs for dinner, one of Michael's favorites. I'm cracking the eggs as he gets some milk out to add to the texture. I stir the yolks as they break apart and come together as a light orange.

"What if I poured this milk onto your head right now," Michael laughed as he was walking over.

"It would look like cum," I responded, now laughing too.

"What would your boyfwiend say about that, Jeremy?" he teased.

"I don't know, what would you say?" I teased back between laughs. Michael started turning red. Crap, what did I say?! I wasn't even paying attention to myself! Shit, and everything was going just fine...

"Uh, um... I don't kn-know..," he ran off into the basement. Did I actually call him my boyfriend?


I ran after him after being stunned for a minute. I peered over from the stairs and he was... dancing? I stepped up a few stairs to make myself less visible, but kept watching him. He seemed to just be stepping around to his own beat. I had to cover my mouth. GOD, he was cute. Wait, what? I couldn't have just thought that. No. Michael was my best friend and that is how he will stay.

I started walking back up the stairs when I heard humming. He was dancing like the rest of the world wasn't there. I couldn't look away...

He fell onto the couch with a dumb smile on his face. He looked truly in love. With me? No, ew, of course not.

But it might be kinda nice...

I saw him get up and head for the stairs so I booked it back to the kitchen and continued stirring the eggs.

(Michael's POV)

I was feeling good. Great, actually. He could like me! There is a chance. But I left him upstairs...

When I was back in the kitchen Jeremy was still mixing the eggs.

"You really accomplished a lot while I was gone," I joked. "Sorry, I had to use the bathroom..." It was the best excuse I could come up with.

"You don't have a bathroom in your basement," he laughed.

"Oh, right." We were a small laughing mess for a few minutes. We were still giggling a bit as we were eating. I don't know why it was even so funny, it was probably just the fact that we were together and happy because of that.

We went downstairs after cleaning up (like the good little boys we are) and sat on the beanbags instead of the couch.

We played for a solid half hour before Jeremy said he actually has to use the bathroom, as opposed to my lie. His hand planted directly next to my thigh as he was getting up. I secretly wished he put his hand a little farther...

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