Jake the Slick Snake

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(Quick question: Why does everyone always say that Jeremy has light brown/sandy hair? Will Connolly's hair is black, fam. I don't understand.)

(Michael's POV)

Everyone immediately rushed towards the bowls of ice cream.

"You only get one, Rich!" Chloe yelled.


I watched as they enjoyed it. I decided not to eat mine. I'd let Rich have it.

I looked back and saw Jeremy still standing there. He was just gaping, his eyes glossing over.

"Je-" I started, but was cut off by a force engulfing me in a hug.

I looked down to see Jeremy's head in my chest. I immediately returned the embrace.

"Th-Thanks," he said to me, after releasing from the hug. His cheeks were dusted a light pink.

"No problem! I thought it might be fun to spice up the Dew a bit. Oh, also, Rich, you can have mine."

"Really? Sweet! Thanks, Mike."

"No problem," I said with a light laugh.

I returned my focus to Jeremy. He looked like he was trying to say something, but couldn't find the words he wanted.

"You okay, Jer?" I asked him with concern.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. It's just," he paused. "You really are my favorite person. I can't thank you enough." He came over and hugged me again. I could feel a blush tugging on me. He's so small and warm.

A few "aww"s came from the table.

"You sure you're not gay, Jeremy?" Jake asked, his arm hanging over the back of his chair. Rich turned to look at him, and his face melted into a dorky, lovestruck smile.

"Yeah, we never finished what we were doing before," Chloe pointed out.

I could see Jeremy get more anxious. I hated seeing him like this. I had to do something.

"W-Why don't we play... truth or dare?" I offered, giving a fake grin.

"Ooh, good idea!" said Christine. "Rich, truth or dare?"

"Truth," he responded, still glancing over to his left a bit.

"How badly do you want to fuck Jake right now? Scale of one to ten." Rich's face turned red. Jake immediately looked at him and gave a smirk.

"Z-Zero! Definitely n-not."

"Rich, honey, that number isn't on the scale," Jake told him seductively, tracing his finger along his leg.

"U-Um." He was getting redder by the second.

"Fine, we'll skip you," Jenna said, obviously bored. "Chloe, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Brooke." Chloe did not have to be told twice. I'm pretty sure I heard a few small moans, too.

"Michael! Truth or dare?" Jake asked. I was already worried. Jake was the slickest out of all of us. Anything he says is considered cool. Which means that if he dares me something crazy, nobody is going to help me wriggle out of it.


"Who do you like?" A playful grin was on his face now. He knew I had to spill.

"S-Someone whose name starts with a J," I replied.

"Oh, wow. Rich, did you hear that? I think you have some competition. Michael likes me, too."

"W-What? N-N-No, that's n-not what I meant." I could feel my face heating up.

"Fine, then what's his name?" Rich was on his lap now, guarding him from me.

I looked over to my side. Jeremy was staring at me, wide-eyed. He'd hate me if he knew I liked him.

"J-Jeremy Heere," I managed to get out. I saw Jeremy reposition himself. I also saw Jake whisper something to Rich. Rich giggled a little and nodded excitedly.

"I'm sorry, Michael, I didn't hear you, Rich was distracting me. Could you repeat that?" I sighed.

"I have had a crush on my best friend for years, and I've never told him until right now. I love Jeremiah Heere, and I wish he was Jeremine." Hopefully this would satisfy Jake.

"Jeremy! Truth or dare?" Rich practically yelled.

"I- uh- what?" Jeremy stuttered in response.

"Dare? Great. I dare you to stand up." All the girls looked confused. Jeremy looked like he wanted to die.

"I- um- nnh- no!"

"C'mon, Jeremy, this is, like, the easiest dare," Jenna said with an eye roll.

Jeremy held his breath and stood up. He covered his face with his hands.

"Send!" Jenna exclaimed.

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