S1P9 Coming Out

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(Michael's POV)

We sat there, playing with the mist. Looking at rainbows, misting each other, trying to drink it, etc. Eventually we got up to go inside.

"Hey, Mike, I'm gonna start changing into my- shit."

"You're gonna change into your shit?" I asked with a smirk.

"No, ugh, I just realized I don't have any clothes to change into."

"Oh, you can just borrow mine," I offered. I was cheering to myself in my head.

"Thanks, Micha!" he said as he rushed up the stairs. I quickly followed.

"I'll try to find something small enough to fit you," I said with a laugh. I searched around in my drawers as he sat on my bed, swinging his legs back and forth. I found a pair of small booty shorts from a few years ago.

"Here, wear this," I joked as I threw it at him. He held it up and burst out laughing. I was still giggling as I searched more.

I finally found clothes that should work well enough for the time being. A t-shirt with the New Jersey Devils' logo on it, and some shorts that were a little baggy but good enough. The Devils shirt honestly looked really cute on him.

We decided to go back in my basement and continue playing games. I could feel us getting better, we were getting closer and closer to beat the level each time we played. We would probably be able to win it soon.

"Hey, Michael?"


"Is there anything wrong with b-being gay?" My thumb slipped a little by hearing this question.

"N-No! Definitely not," I said, flustered.

"Would you still hang out with me if," he paused. "I was gay?" By this point, the game was put on hiatus.

"Of course!" Should I come out to him now? God, what would I say?!

"I," Jeremy started. "I think I'm gay. And, I think I have a crush on someone. But I don't know for sure, yet."

"Oh, cool! I'm glad you're accepting your sexuality." I was honestly boiling with excitement. I was feeling confident. Confident enough, at least.

"I-I'm actually gay, t-too," I sputtered out. So much for saying I was confident. "I'm s-sorry I waited until now to tell you." I looked down at the ground. Why did I take so long to tell him that? He's my best friend!

"Do you... like anyone?" Jeremy asked. His voice cracked a little. Just a bit.

"I- um- no, yes! Maybe. I think so. Probably. Yeah." I mentally facepalmed as I tried to hide my struggle with a smile.

Jeremy giggled a little. God, his laugh was so adorable. "Okay, then. I think I'm gonna start heading out, my dad probably has chores for me."

"O-Oh, o-okay," I replied, still a bit flustered.

(tiny time skip brought to you by my failed attempt to draw the BMC logo)

I waved goodbye from my front door as I watched him walk off. He waved back with a smile.

I was closing the door when I realized something.

He never returned the booty shorts.

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