this is gay (wow really?)

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(hey so if you're reading this chapter significantly later than the chapter directly before, please reread the last sentence of that one so you aren't lost)


(also, quick apology to @Nocas_Nocas who asked if l could do this chapter from Michael's perspective)

(l had already started writing it from Jer's before l saw that comment)


(Jeremy's POV)

l blushed deeply as l stared up at him. My mind was scattered all over the place, but l wasn't able to say a word.

"You'd better stop that," he said calmly, looking into my eyes. "Or else l'm gonna lose my mind. And neither of us are of legal age."

l nodded absentmindedly and he let go of me.

God, l felt gay.

We continued to watch the movie in awkward silence. What gave me the confidence to suck on a cucumber? l may never know.

My head was burning with more questions. l wasn't sure if l should ask any of them, though. The more l tried to tuck them away, the more they piled up in my brain.

lt finally became too much for me. "S-So, uh, you like me, right?" l asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes," he replied, not taking his eyes off the screen. He laughed and asked, "Was this not obvious?"

"Well, it's just..." l took a breath in and let it out to ground myself. "l think l might like you, too."

His eyes seemed to sparkle as he heard this. Whatever excitement l expected out of him, though, was not proven to be present by his response. "lsn't this also obvious? You did kiss me."

"Sorry about that," l mumbled.

"Why are you sorry?" Michael asked, finally looking over to me.

"l don't know. lt's just... l didn't know if... were you okay with it?"

"My gay ass was more than okay with it," he replied, looking back to the movie.

"A-Alright. Good."


"Yeah. l was worried."

He laughed again. "There's nothing for you to worry about. We can take this slow."

"Take what slow?" I asked, glancing over to him.

I heard him inhale sharply. "N-Nothing. Just forget it."

Not wanting to bother him, I complied. "Okay."

As we watched the end of the movie, I noticed him looking at me in my peripheral vision. His eyes scanned down my body, then back up. I had to hide a smile as I pretended to be focused on the actors.

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