Nobody Wants to Answer Rich's Calls

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(l actually know where l'm going with this story now)

(so hopefully it'll be even better now that it has direction!)

(haha as if it could improve at all)

(this book is perfect smh)

(you're welcome for this blessing)

(okay that's enough false confidence for today)

(moving on)

(Jeremy's POV)

Maureen had just started her protest in Rent when Michael's phone rang. "lt's Rich," he told me. He sighed as a joke, making me laugh. "l'll be back in three hours." He went upstairs as l continued to watch.

Now, here's the thing about Michael: Usually when he's on the phone, he's at a loud arcade or concert. These are calls from his parents, of course, to check if he's okay. This accustomed him to speak very loudly when on the phone so that the person on the other line could hear him. Though this is helpful at a loud arcade or concert, it's not the same way in a calm house with only one other person.

Thus, l could hear what Michael was saying to Rich from upstairs. Even thought it was a bit faint, l could understand it with little difficulty. l just wished l could hear what Rich was responding with on the other end.

"Hey, what's up?"


"You got Christine? Yes!"


"Wait, Jake can sing?"


"Alright, that works."


"You too. Can we meet up later?"


"That works, thanks! Bye!"

l heard his footsteps as he walked back downstairs. l quickly resumed the movie, having paused it earlier to hear what he was saying.

"Hey," he said as he sat back down. "Where are we?"

"Still Maureen," l replied.

"l didn't realize this song was that long," he said with a laugh. Shoot. l didn't think of that when l paused it.

"l guess it is." l tried to laugh with him, but it probably sounded awkward. Either he couldn't tell or he didn't care, because he didn't say anything about it. Phew.

"Hey, uh, can l ask you another question?"


"You said the SQUIP looked like Keanu Reeves, right?" he asked with a laugh.

"Yeah," l answered. "l was given other options, too, though. Like Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, and 'sexy anime female'."

This made him burst into laughter. "Why?" he asked between laughs.

"l don't even know," l responded with a giggle. "Hey, l'm starving. Do you want something to eat?"

After he calmed down, he replied, "Sure. Whatever you want to get is fine with me."

l nodded and got up to go get some potato chips from upstairs. As l looked around the kitchen, l found something.

"Why the fuck do you have a cucumber?" Michael asked as l sat back down.

"Trying to be healthy, bitch," l replied, taking a bite out of it.

"Since when?!"

"Since now." l took another bite. "What, is there a problem?"

"No," he said with a laugh. "lt's just huge. You're gonna eat that whole thing?"

l smirked. "Never seen something so big before? Don't worry, l understand."

l glanced over and saw him blush as he returned his attention to the movie. A smirk found its way to my face.

l put more of the cucumber into my mouth, but l didn't bite off a piece. lnstead, l made my breathing heavier. He looked over at me with a confused expression.

Once l had his attention, l let out a quiet moan. He instantly realized what l was doing and turned away. "F-Fuck you," he muttered.

"l bet you want to," l replied. He blushed harder, his red face illuminated by the screen.

l was about to suck on the cucumber again when he swiped it out of my hands and threw it on the ground. l laughed at his sudden action.

My laughter was cut off short as he quickly climbed on top of me and pinned my arms above my head.

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