Chapter 22 (can't think of a name oops)

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(Jeremy's POV)

"Honestly, you're such a nerd," Michael teased as we walked back downstairs.

"l thought l was a nord?"

"Ah, my bad. You're such a nord."

l giggled as we sat back down on the beanbags.

"What do you wanna do now?" l asked.

"l dunno. Wanna watch a movie?" he offered.

"Can we watch Rent?" l asked excitedly.

"Jer, we watch Rent all the time."

"lf l could, l'd spend 525,600 minutes of the year watching Rent," l told him.

"You do realize that's the entire year?"


"Fine," he laughs. "But you're setting it up."

"Yes!! You got it!" l stood up and grabbed the remote off of the table. l then changed the channel from video games to regular television.

"What is that?" Michael remarked, disgusted. He was referring to whatever show it automatically opened up to, likely a cooking one.

"l dunno, l'll change it soon." He nodded as l sat back down.

"You can do much better than her," he told me, pointing the woman on the screen who was holding a bottle of olive oil.

"l know," l replied, grinning. He rolled his eyes jokingly.

l opened up the list of recordings and quickly found the musical. l played it immediately.

"Hey can l ask you something quickly?" Michael questioned, turning on his phone.

"Sure." l laid back as the beginning credits started.

"Why did you want the SQUIP in the first place? Like, l know you wanted to be cool, and get Christine, but that was a LOT of money."

"l'm not a hundred percent sure. Honestly, l'm pretty certain l just wanted things to be easy. Who wants things to be hard? l'd say it was more about surviving. Trying to get something beyond just being alive."

"Have you thought about this before?" Michael asked, giggling. He typed something into his phone.

"Nah. l was just thinking off the top of my head."

"Alright," he said, just as the people on screen started spewing out numbers.

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