trainer! tom x kyerum! reader

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Ohhhhh booooooooiiiiii

READER POV ********************

I heard stumbling footsteps and a man's slurred voice. A stench I didn't know filled my nose, and I saw a man stumble into view. How dare a small, puny human like him enter my Ice mountain domain.

I growled and stared at him, his eyes were pure black and his hair was spiked strait up like a pineapple. This man is interesting... he carried a bottle labled 'smirnoff' which smelled.

TOMS POV◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

I saw a big dragon thing, it looked super cool! I doubt it's hurt me it probably wants to be friends!!!!! (He's drunk)

I run to hug the dragon but it blows air at me, causing me to fall back. "Bless you *hic*" I giggled. The dragon gave me a confused look as I stood.

I ran towards it again.. hugging it's nose "boop!" I laughed. (You're like 10ft, nose is size of his head)


I stared at this human, he 'booped' me. What is a boop? Is it an attack?? ?????????????? :< I don't know!

He was laughing... why? I could kill him at any moment, and he's giggling.
Humans are stupid.

He looked at me, squinting his 'eyes' for a second before looking at my injured wing. I had gotten into a fight with coballion and won, but was injured. He stuck his hand in his hoodie and pulled out a full heal.

He ran to my side and sprayed it on my wing, i growled but realized, he was probably saving my life. After he fixed my wing, he said "there!!! All better!"

But 2 minutes later he was crying about how he had no good friends, and random stuff. I decided to comfort him "I'll be your friend!" I talked to him telepathicly. "Really??" He gasped.

Suddenly he was clinging to me and laughing, screeching about how he finally had a friend. Oh boyyy......

After awhile, it got dark and you decided to take him home. You put him on your back and asked where he lived. He told you his house (they each have separate houses now) and you flew him there.

Once I got there he stumbled inside, bringing me with. He then fell, passed out from alcohol. I dragged him up the 'stairs' and into a bedroom I think is his.

Once I began to walk away from the bed though, he woke up and whined for me "(nammmmmeeee)..." I looked back at him.

"Yes thomas?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"Promise me you'll join my team... I don't have pokemon....." He slurred.

"Wortortle left me for a stronger trainer....."

He began to cry.

"Don't worry, here" I said, shifting to a human form (you can do that btw, legendary power)

I grabbed paper and pen and wrote my name, and where in the mountain he could find me.
He gave me something called a cellphone with his number.

I stuck the paper to his forehead as he passed out.

I erased his memory of my human form and flew back to my mountain.

NeXt DaY m8 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o

I awoke to the cellphone ringing. I answered to hear a hungover Tom.

"Hey (name)" he groaned "be a pal and get me some pain meds from the store please?"

I didn't know what pain meds were, but I went to the store anyway. I grabbed 'advil'. And chicken noodle soup.

I got to toms house carrying the bag in my teeth as I squeezed through the door.

I was super quiet as I opened the chicken noodle soup, and turned into white kyerum to cook it.

When it was done, I brought it upstairs with pain meds and water, balancing the tray in my claws.

After Tom had woken up, he had his soup and pills and water, he felt better apparently.

"(Name)?" "Yes tom?" " you wanna be my pokemon? You can stay here with me." He asked, begging.

I pondered for a moment before answering.

"Sure, just for you tom."

He held a pokeball and I went in, stayed in, then came back out.

Tom pet my head and he layed down.

"Who's my favorite ice dragon?"

"There's others?..."



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