(Oh dear!) deer! Matt x wolf! Reader

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Matts pov.

I ran as fast as I could, dodging branches and rough terrain. The growls and snarls came closer and closer, I could hear them, chasing me down just for fun.

They're gonna kill me!

My breathing got heavy as I was forced to slow to a halt, I had reached a stone cliff, far too tall to jump up, I backed away as I hear the rustling of bushes.

A grey wolf emerged, eyes vicious and an open mouth, snarling with the lips pulled back, razor teeth and claws.

Another wolf jumps out, reddish orange, slightly brown. It also looks at me, smiling with malice, a murderous glint in it's eye.

The last wolf, black as night with a giant build. If I survived the first two wolves, the last one would for sure kill me, NO hope of escaping that.

I should have never gone this far from the meadow I live in, why was I so curious and dumb!

"Hey there little deer!" The grey wolf, natu, smiled meanly. "Where you goin?"

"H-home." I stutter, they grin at my fear.

"I don't think you're gonna make it home hun." The red wolf, eza, smirks.

"You're out too late, meadow dweller!" The dark wolf lui says, stepping forward.

They began to pace in front of me, they were right. All the peacefully animals live in the meadow, all the dangerously hostile animals live in the woods.

They grow nearer, getting close enough to snap at me, I can't fight back if I tried, I bowed my head, ready to accept whatever came.

I was surprised to hear a long howl, it was eerie get beautiful, I looked up with the wolves to see a large h/c wolf launch from the cliff above, landing in front of me.

It let out a vicious snarl, the other wolves flinched for a second, but stood their ground.

"Hey! This deer is our prey, back off wimp!" Natu boasts, eza and lui stand behind him, teeth bared.

"Don't think so," the h/c wolf states, a mesmerising and beautiful voice laced with fury, but for once, not directed towards me.

The h/c wolf bounds forwards, striking natu hard and biting his neck, pulling and she tossed him aside like a doll.

Lui tried to attack, and managed to land a swipe on the other wolfs leg, the wolf yelps but retaliated with a sharp bite to the tail, then face.

She hurls him away, turning to eza, who runs, lui and natu following.

The new wolf panted heavily, I saw it's blood drip from the wound.

"Thanks... uh.." I whisper, afraid she'll attack me now, just as the others did, this other wolf turned to look back at me, and I saw their vibrant e/c eyes, not full of bad intentions, just curiousity and concern.

They turn fully towards me "no problem, but what're you doing here? You're not fit for this... environment." They trail off. 

"My names Matt! And you are?" I opened up, she seemed harmless.


"My names Matt! And you are?" The deer asks, I look at his baby blue eyes, he was really a nice creature but...

"I'm... y/n." I say, hesitant. "You should head back to the meadow, i'all go with to keep those other wolves off ya." I state, turning and walking, he runs to my side, obliously scared of going anywhere alone.

We walk together for some distance, before my wondering gets the best of me. "Hey, Matt." "Yeah y/n." Matt answers, the auburn dear looks down slightly at me, he's adorable.

"Why are you being so... nice to me?" I ask. "We're scary to you, ferocious,... unaccepted." I mumble the last part, my tail lowers and my head drops, ears low.

" y/n." I hear, I look up to see Matt standing still looking at me. "You're the nicest being I've met so far, you even saved my life." He says, smiling. I've never seen anything like a smile except a scream, I've tried to make friends with meadow dwellers...

They always ran and screamed, hid, they were AFRAID.

Suddenly, I felt a warm feeling inside me, I couldn't help but smile, tail wagging.

As we kept walking, the trees cleared out and we stood at the edge of the meadow, luscious grass and a crystal clear lake, animals everywhere.

Matt broke out into a smile, leaping across the field to meet with a small, brown bunny and surprisingly, a smallish bear with black eyes.

I turned away, and began the trudge back to the woods, trying not to let tears fall, my ears layed flat, tail low as possible.

I had finally made a friend, and they just happily left me, I knew he would forget about me, just like the others.

"Y/n!" I hear, my head perks and I see Matt, calling my name as he ran back. "Where are you goin?" He asks, bubbly happy self.

"I've got to go... wolves aren't accepted in the meadow." I sigh.

"Nonsense." I hear, I look to see the brown bunny, he was not as tall as my leg, and a bold soul. "You saved Matt, you can't be bad, you didn't have to help him, but you did." He smiles.

"Y/n this is edd." Matt states, "thats tom, the bear." He gestures to the bear, now laying down covered in younger animals playing king-of-the-hill on his back.

"He's accepted, and he's a frickin bear, you'll be fine." Matt smiles.

Matt and edd begin to walk back to the meadow, I walk with. The grass is soft under my paws, unlike the brambles and rough ground I grew up with, animals stared as I walked.

I kinda began to get nervous, several animals whispered, forming a circle around our trio, judging me. A young groundhog steps towards me, past it's mother and near me, close to my face, the crowd tensed.

I lowered my head, and the groundhog hugged my face, laughing, the entire meadow watched as I closed my eyes, giving a small smile, tail wagging with joy.

Matt was talking with the mother groundhog. "See, harmless, told ya mrs." Matt says, proud.

After that, the meadow population decided I could stay, and i guarded the meadow from other predators.

It was night, me and Matt lay near the lake, he was sound asleep lying next to me, I looked at the stars, grass swaying gently. I curled against Matt, and my eyelids drooped.

Just before I slept, I realized...

This is acceptance,

This is love, 

This is my new life.

It felt great to belong.

I drifted off into a peaceful dream for the first time.


Yeet it done! I'm making this from a cute request that was graciously posted in a comment.

My hand hurts :,<

But it ok because you all are worth it :> 

I will write more, not tonite tho.

Thx for reading my weird and crappy story! See ya next time.

Chan of authors, signing out.

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