angel! edd x fallen angel! reader

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This idea was so cute I couldn't resist.

Also, someone I know wants to start making comedy skits, but don't tell her I told ya ;>

Just wanted to know; would you guys be interested if my friend started doing that?


♡reader pov♡

I stared up at the clouds, back where I used to be.

I wasn't there for long, right after my creation I was pushed down and landed on earth, my current home.

The humans were pretty cool and all, except those who just... weren't. And though it wasn't my job anymore, I was sure to turn them in a better direction.

I haven't seen any of my angel friends in years, since I was a child actually. This all happened because I was chosen to be a fallen.

What is a fallen, you may ask, well I'll tell you. Fallens are angels selected for an unknown reason, to then fall to earth.

I guess it is to protect the people where you land, or set them straight, but I truly miss my dear friends face.

We were both 6, the age of selection...


I ran on small legs to the center of heaven's garden, pulling my dearest friend along with me.

"C'mon edd! I wanna see the others!" I said, him running behind me.

"I know, but c'mon y/n slow down!" The  slightly chubby brunette boy said behind me, brown eyes tired and white wings fluttering behind him to attempt to keep his body balanced.

My wings were also white, and both ours were still fluffy, but edd was starting to gain his feathers.

He was starting to learn to fly, and I was to wait until my feathers started, but he promised me it wasn't that scary.

We reached a group of older angels with many our age huddled around, listening.

An older one, stood reading from a scroll, identity hidden by a brown cloak.

I couldn't hear anything over all the talking, but my heart nearly stopped when I heard it.

"Y/n m/n l/n, you are chosen to watch over London." The elderly voice called, and I felt the clouds beneath my feet part.

Edds eyes were full of fear, as he attempted to grab my hands. I could barely feel his fingers brush mine as I fell, beginning to cry.

"Y/N DON'T LEAVE ME!" I heard his distressed plead, but it was too late, and I couldn't fly, even he couldn't carry both of us.

I fell backwards, and I gave him my best smile as I waved sadly.

"Goodbye, eddie, thanks for being my friend." I called, tears streaming down my face.

"Y/N!" He yelled, crying hopelessly. It shattered my heart to hear such a sad noise come from the usually happy boy.

"I've always loved you!" I yell, vocal chords protesting due to the tears in my throat.

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