turtle! Tord x reader

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I swear, I'll make some for edd and Matt once I get ideas I'm sorry.

I was on the interweed And I saw a pic of tord as a turtle so wth.

I'm not on swear I drugs. :D

After tord had turned Tom into a dog about a month ago (which he thought was pretty funny), Tom decided he wanted revenge (And alcohol). So Tom snuck into Tord's room (while he slept like the manbaby he is).

He took Tord's cigars and some potions and low-key drugged his cigars. Tom didn't know what the potions would do, but he hoped it would be great enough to be called revenge.

Tom creeps away, but passes out outside his room. Drunkard.

Y/n sleeps peacefully in her room, which is next to Tord's, she's tords girlfriend of about 1 year (daym). Nobody, not even tom, knew what was going to happen.

(Except everyone who read the title.)

(And me >:3)

THE NEXT MORNING turd pov◇◇◇

I woke up, stretching and yawning. It was a good day outside, the sun filtered through the curtains making my room glow. Someday, y/n Will share my room with me again.

She used to, but then she found my hentai, and I think it traumatized her. I got rid of it all, but she's still scarred for life. Maybe I'll move into her room and use my whole room as my lab, since I was running out of space there.

I got dressed, putting on my signature red hoodie, grabbed me cigars and left. The potions seemed to be rearranged slightly, but I probably just moved them and forgot.

I didn't notice the smell of Smirnoff in my room, I only figured it was tom, who was passed out in the hallway in front of y/n's door.

I quietly walked outside and pulled out one of my cigars, y/n doesn't approve of smoking around Matt, so to please her and be a good boyfriend I smoke outside.

I lit the cigar and was thinking as I was smoking, I thought about proposing to y/n in the future. Maybe I'd ask Matt for some tips on fashion, girls apparently like classy guys, but why does y/n like me then? I'm far from classy.

I suddenly dropped my cigar, my fingers were kinda stiff, it was hard to bend them. I tried to move my toes and it was the same way, the cigar was giving off the smell of chemicals like the ones in my lab.

I felt something tough on my back and chest, I looked to see a shell forming??? What is going on?! I looked at my hands, they looked like a turtles flippers (sea turtle). I also noticed my nose was growing, my mouth looking like a beak.

My skin felt tough and leathery, I had crawled to the pool (shut up they have one in their backyard) and saw my reflection.

My leathery skin was growing scales and my hair was completely gone! (Matt much?) I slowly was flattening, I couldn't even crawl! I was laying on my shell, my flippers weren't much use to move me around now.

I looked back at my shell to see a little tail! Could this get any worse?

As if on que, I began shrinking slightly, I was only about 3 1/2 feet long, and about 3ft wide.

I felt like burying myself in my hoodie, which still was on. My shorts were left behind. I even still had the little white bandage on my face where my cheek was.

After awhile, the change was over, I sat (laid) there. About 20 minutes ago I was a man with a girlfriend, now in legitimately a sea turtle! I was thinking of proposing to y/n!

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