homeless! tord x childhood friend! reader

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-reader pov-

I was walking home from my favorite cafe after going to the grocery store in the rain. My hood protected me from most of the rain but not the chillyness it carried.

I stopped when i heard breathing from a alleyway, and saw a man in a very tattered blue coat over a hoodie, blue pants and black boots. Caramel colored hair was over his eyes, soaked with rain water. Scars littered half his face.

I leaned down to his height, pressed a hand to his cheek and gasped at the cold temperature of his body. This man is almost dead.

Carefully, i put an arm around his torso, and hauled him to his feet, managing to carry him all the way back home. This was difficult, considering his size compared to mine.

I got him home, placing him on the couch and putting some blankets over him, turning on the fireplace to warm the house more.

Then i put the groceries away, and got ready for bed. I locked my bedroom door just in case and went to bed.

I got up at 2am hearing noises from downstairs, and got up taking my baseball bat with me. When i got there the man from before was up, i could see him sitting up on the couch in the dark.

I turned on the lamp next to the couch making him stand quickly in suprise, but he appeared to settle down once he saw me.

"Hey, youre up." I said, still holding my bat in my dominant hand.

"Yes... where am i?" He asked, and i heard an accent mixed into his voice.

"Youre at my place, london england." I state, and his eyes dart around my house quickly, before going back to me.

This man towered over me by almost a full foot, and was damn scary except he was like a lost puppy.

"I found you passed out in an alleyway, and brought you here so you wouldnt die." I shrugged, and i could almost see gears turning in his head.

"Thank you... nobody has been nice to me in a long time." He said.

"Well thats pretty sad, hey you can borrow my shower and clean yourself up, and I'll make something to eat." I suggested.

He nods, and i began to make pancakes. The noises of the shower stopped, and the door opened before closing. He must've found the clothes i left for him.

In a bit, he walked downstairs, and i heard his footsteps pause in front of the picture of me and my childhood friend, tord.

Tord had lived in norway before moving here, and then moved away after we had spent all the way to middle school together.

"Y/n?" I heard him say, almost sounding suprised.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, turning off the stove and setting the plate of pancakes aside.

He turned to stare at me, and said...

"Its me... tord?"

At that moment when i looked at him i recognized him. His hair had been weighed down with rain water and now had fluffed back up into two horn shaped spikes on his head, silver eyes staring into mine almost tearily.

I setvthe plate down and ran to him, wrapping both arms around his torso and pressing my head up against his chest.

When one arm wrapped around me, i looked to see only a stump of where his right arm used to be.

"Holy shit tord! Your arm!" I said, and he sighed.

"I lost it in an accident, it was injured and needed to be amputated." He murmured.

I lifted a hand to his face, placing it on the scarred half of his face.

"Same accident?"

He simply nodded, and i hugged him gently.

"I missed you." He said, arm around me.

"I missed you more."

-2 year skip-

I walked with tord, holding hands with him and listening to him whistle. Snow gently fell, and the streets were quiet.

The sun was barely setting, and we were heading home when i saw him stare at a specific few people across the street.

One spotted him, and a ginger man came running to him, and i quickly released his hand as he got glomped in a hug.

The fell to the ground, tord giving a grunt of discomfort as it happened, and two other people approached.

"Hello miss... im sorry matt attacked your friend." The brunette said, and i nodded.

"Its fine, really." Even though tord was still being held captive by a hug.

"Soo.... whate your name pretty lady..." the other slurred, obliously drunk out of his wits.

"Its y/-" i got cut off by tord, who had managed to stand, the ginger finally relenting his hold.

"Shes my girlfriend." Tord stated, and it was true, he had began to date me at least a year ago.

" well if you want... i... i could probably make.. a better boyfriend..." the black eyed male slurred.

" no thanks i-" again i was cut off.

"Says the drunk jahovas witness." Tord growled, hand clenched into a fist.

"At least i havent tried to take over the world you commie!" The drunk said, and my eyes widened.

They continued to shout at eachother, amd i backed up, tord looked when i stepped on and cracked an ice patch.

"Y/n, wait i-" it was my turn to cut him off.

"What the hell did you do tord?" I asked him, wearily.

He moved forwards, arm outstretched and i turned on my heel and ran. I could hear him behind me but i managed to lose him.

I headed to my house, and locked every door and window, tears running down my face. I was shaking, and my heart was beating faster than running around the globe would make it.

I slid down against the door, shuddering and wrapping my arms around myself.

A knock sounded on the door, and i tried my best to stifle my cries.

"Y/n, please let me in, i know youre here and i need you to know the truth..." he said.

I heard noise, and just barely the doorknob twitched, and then something brushed against my shoulder.

I could see tord, fingers and hand stuck through the mail slot. I laughed a little at his desperation and put a hand under his which he quickly grasped in his own.

"Y/n... im stuck.." i heard him whine, and saw that his hand was indeed stuck in the door.

I stood, opening it and observing the powerful man reduced to a kicked puppy, with his only hand stuck in the mail slot.

"Tord you fucking dingus."

"Correction, your fucking dingus."

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