7. Follow

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"Why did Shawn Mendes just follow me?"



"All I'm saying is we should travel to the west coast for a vacation before I go back to school." Jaime said as we ate at Sunny's.

I laughed as I moved around my salad, "Well I'm not saying no, in fact it's great for vlog footage."

"Okay so you'll go with me?" She asked before taking a drink of her iced tea.

I looked at my best friend as she smiled at me while mouthing please. I looked down at my salad and then back at her. I smirked and nodded my head.

"Yeah I'll go with you." I told her.

She shrieked, "Yay! Okay we should go in a week. How about we travel along the coast? I mean we can go from San Diego to San Francisco." She suggested.

I shook my head, "I can't afford going along the coast you realize how much money that is? Especially with the prices of gas."

She sighed, "Okay then we'll go to San Francisco, I've never been."

I shook my head, "Me neither but I have another internet friend that lives pretty close. We can go see her."

She nodded, "Yay I can't wait, it's going to be fun. We'll get to be tourists."

I rolled my eyes at how silly she was being. I continued to eat my salad before I heard my phone ding from a notification. I picked it up and almost choked on the piece of kale in my throat.

I started to cough as I read what it said, "What? Ave are you okay? jeez drink some water."

I showed her my phone and she read it and her mouth dropped. I pulled it back to me and quickly unlocked my phone. I wanted to make sure it was real and not someone pretending to be him. Though sure enough when I click on the profile I see it.

Shawn Mendes follows you.

"What the hell? That was really random." Jaime said as she too was on her phone.

I couldn't stop staring at his profile that now has the follows you next to his user. When you wait four years to see that and now it's there. Okay first it was winning the m&g passes and now this. What the hell was going on?

"Holy shit." I heard Jaime say.

I looked over at her in question, "What?" I asked.

"Look at his recent tweets." She told me.

I scrolled down on his profile to see his tweets. His most recent tweet was asking who met him in New York. Now why would he ask that out of nowhere then follow me out of nowhere? I mean unless...

"Wait are you?" Jaime asked not finishing the question.

I shook my head in denial, "No I mean how could I be?"

"Well he's liked others posts but he's only followed you recently." She told me trying to convince me it was me he's been talking about.

I Don't Even Know Your Name; Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now