40. With You

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"I love the feeling of being with you."



I stood up at the top and looked down at the small city. The cool air hitting my face, it caused my face to feel a little numb. The sky was going from dark to light as the sun started to come up.

"Oh come on Avelyn it's the perfect weather to be hiking." I told her.

I looked over towards the slope where Avelyn was currently walking up. She finally arrived at the top and she let out a huff of breath. It was currently 30 degrees Fahrenheit so I could see her breath in the air.

"Easy for you to say Mendes you always wake up so early to exercise. Did I ever tell you how much I hate waking up early?" She asked.

She walked over towards me and hugged her Nike windbreaker closet to her body. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail clearly because when I woke up she rolled out of bed. I laughed as I looked around and seen a rock.

It was big enough to sit on and not that tall. I walked over to it and lifted myself up on it, thankfully I was tall so it wasn't a big struggle.

"Hey look a perfect spot to sit." I told her.

Avelyn turned around and smiled when she seen where I was. She walked over and attempted to get up but she struggled. She either couldn't lift herself up or her feet would slip. I let out a chuckle and she glared at me.

"Not funny Shawn, not everyone is tree sized and has big muscles." She told me before smiling.

"Fine here let me help." I told her as I held out my hand for her to grab.

She did so and I helped lift her up onto the rock. She smiled as she adjusted next to me, she sat really close. I placed my hands behind me so I could sit back a little more. Her thigh rubbed against mine as we sat and watched as the sun rose.

"God I love the sky, I have so many pictures in my Snapchat memories of the sky. Whether it's the sun rising or setting or maybe even when there's clouds." Avelyn told me but her eyes never looked away from the sun.

"I'm somewhat not surprised, you are great with a camera." I told her.

That's what made her look at me, and she smiled at me. Avelyn looked really gorgeous right now, then again she always did. The way her brown hair shined as the sun started to appear in the sky. Her big brown eyes and the way they lit up when she talked about something or someone she loved.

It was the scary part of this friendship, it's the fact that I wasn't feeling friend things. It was back when we met in San Francisco, how funny and nice she was. She was completely herself and never once did she make me feel like I was someone famous.

I was me, just someone she met and became friends with. I'll admit in the first few times we talked it was a little weird. But it was expected I always knew it would be with a fan. But after a while she became herself and I loved it.

Loved the feeling of being normal and just treated like it. Then as I got to know her and how much we could relate sometimes or how goofy she is. I started to develop something for her, I mean who wouldn't.

I Don't Even Know Your Name; Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now