11. Crazy

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"Things are different, in a good way."



The past few weeks had been kind of crazy. I mean from seeing, meeting, and texting Shawn. Then the growing numbers of people that followed me on all my social media platforms. I hated that it was only because Shawn followed me and not because people actually liked me.

But it's not like he told them to either so I appreciated it. We had been texting back and forth quite frequently I mean when he has the chance to. Jaime and I had been spending a lot of time together as well but that's not new.

A knock on my door caused me to wake up. I sat up and looked around, the sun was barley shinning through my curtains. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time as the knocking continued.

I sighed as I got up and walked out of my room and into my living room. I went over to my door and looked through my peep hole. I seen Jaime standing on the other side, I rolled my eyes before opening the door.

"What on earth are you doing here at 6 in the morning?" I asked as she walked past me.

I closed the door as she turned around to look at me, "We are going on a hike."

"Excuse me?" I asked not really sure what I just heard her say.

"You. Me. Walk. Now come on." She told me trying to rush me.

She pushed me towards my room as she walked over to my bed and started doing it. I sighed before grabbing my leggings and a tank top and walked to my bathroom.

I got dressed and threw my messy hair into a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and walked out of my bathroom to see her laying on my bed. She was scrolling through my phone, I rolled my eyes before grabbing my nikes and putting them on.

"Aww you and Shawn are so cute." She said as she sat up.

I laughed as I stood up and started to stretch, "We're just friends Jaime don't start getting any ideas."

We walked out of my room and towards my open concept living room. She sat on my barstool with my phone in her hands.

"That's what they all say, but then it gets close." She told me.

I shook my head as I grabbed two water bottles from my fridge. We then walked out of my apartment and I locked it behind us. She then handed me my phone and I seen it was opened on Shawn and I's convo.

"Yes but I don't want to be that with Shawn and you know that. I mean would it be a plus? Of course, but if someone were to make me choose Shawn's best friend or girlfriend, I'd choose best friend." I told her as we walked down the street.

She gave me a crazy look, "Are you crazy? Are you telling me if Shawn were to ask you out you'd turn him down?"

I chuckled, "No what I'm saying is I want to be his friend. I've always wanted to know what it would be like to just be best friends with him. Now is my chance, and if maybe it were to happen not that I'm holding my breath. But if it were to happen then maybe it could happen."

She rolled her eyes, "Okay let's just keep telling yourself that. But we both know who ever ends up with Shawn is going to be one lucky girl."

I Don't Even Know Your Name; Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now