19. 21 questions

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"Let's get to know each other a little more with a little game."



Shawn wake up there's
only two weeks till
11:37 pm

Haha I wasn't
even asleep.
11:38 pm

Good because I need help,
I don't know what I want
to do for Halloween.
11:40 pm

Wdym? Like are you
going trick or treating
or something?
11:41 pm

No, I haven't been since
I was 15 lmao. I was
talking about maybe
traveling somewhere else
or going to a party.
11:42 pm

Well if you were to
go traveling where
would you go?
11:43 pm

I have no idea, maybe
somewhere tropical. But
if I am I have to pick it
11:45 pm

Hmm I have no idea
honestly. I suck at
choosing for someone else.
11:46 pm

Haha it's okay I'll
probably procrastinate it.
11:47 pm

Sorry I wasn't any
help x
11:48 pm

HDJSJ stop you are fine
11:49 pm

Okay well I'm finally
not busy and we've
been talking about
getting to know each
other so why not now?
11:51 pm

Lmao Shawn it's about
to be 12 in the morning
you really want to do this
11:52 pm

Yeah I can't sleep
so why not?
11:53 pm

Okay so what 21 questions?
Even though I might know
some about you?
11:54 pm

Okay so do you ask
the first or should I?
11:55 pm

You can (:
11:56 pm

Okay, favorite food?
11:57 pm

Easy fries, I love all kinds
so I don't have a preference
of fries.
11:58 pm

Oh good choice, your turn.
11:59 pm

I can't really ask questions
I mean you had a q&a on
tour lmao plus being a fan
for 4 years you tend to know
a lot.
12:00 am

Lmao okay so what
I just ask you questions?
12:01 pm

Sure I don't mind.
12:02 am

Okay so where are
you from? Or were
you born and raised
in New York?
12:03 am

I Don't Even Know Your Name; Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now