20. Travel

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"Traveling for my birthday."



It was 2 days till my birthday and Jaime had helped me on deciding to go to Thailand. We were going to stay there for a week which was so exciting. We had our flights booked a week ago along with inviting any of my friends that were wiling to go.

I had invited Shawn obviously, Matt, Brian, Shawn's band, Camila and then my youtube friends Lauren, her boyfriend Alex, Zoë and her boyfriend Alfie. So overall it was going to be a crazy birthday in Thailand.

Jaime met me at my house at 8 pm so we could head to the airport. So since it was such a long flight to Thailand it was a perfect opportunity to just sleep the whole flight. That's what was so exciting, I was going to be away in paradise with friends. Especially for my birthday and let's just say we won't be sleeping and if we do it's only for a few hours. I wanted to make my birthday count and make memories.

"Did Shawn say when he was getting there?" I heard Jaime asked as we settled into our seats.

It was currently 10:37 at night and we just boarded the plane. We had to wait for everyone else to board.

I looked over at her, "Yeah he said he just got to the airport with Matt and Brian. He said his band was meeting him there so I assume they're all on the same flight."

"God I can't wait to be in Thailand." She said.

I nodded, "Me too."

Once everyone was settled and we were ready to go the plane was heading down to take off. I never got nervous of flying, I mean I did when it was my first time. But I learned to like flying and now I don't mind. I decided to sleep the way over since it was going to be a 19 hour flight. This was the perfect chance for us to sleep because we were not getting sleep when we get there.

When I woke up it was 10 in the morning so I slept almost the whole flight. We weren't going to land till about 3 in the afternoon so I still had about 6 hours. I decided to take this time to try and edit my videos.

I hated having to sit for 19 hours in a row. Jaime was awake and god knows since when this girl wakes up so early. I wouldn't be able to be here, I love sleep and definitely not a morning person.

I had got a text from Shawn saying he had a good 7 hours to go. So he was only an hour behind us, that means we would have to wait an hour in the airport when we get there. My other friends still had a few hours to go especially Lauren, Alex, and Camila. But Zoë said her and Alfie left at four in the morning since they were slightly closer.

Their flight was still 11 hours long, it made me think maybe we should've went somewhere closer. But then again Thailand looked beautiful so I didn't mind that much. It was going to be worth it.

I finished editing all my videos by the time we landed. I was starving so when Jaime and I collected our luggage and got out of the terminal we looked for something to eat. We found the nearest food and decided to order something to eat as we waited for Shawn and his band.

I was really excited to see Shawn again, we got so much closer than San Francisco. It's crazy to know that I've wanted for the longest to be Shawn's best friend and now here I am. Celebrating my 18th birthday with him in Thailand.

Just landed :) going to go collect our things. Are we waiting for anyone else?

I smiled knowing he was just a few minutes away from me. I couldn't wait to hug him, Shawn gives the best hugs.

Lauren and Alex should be landing soon and so should Camila, Zoë, and Alfie. So we can meet up and wait for them so we all take a van to the house.

We had just decided on renting a house rather than stay in a hotel. That way we all just split the price.

Okay well I'll see you soon! x

I locked my phone and started bouncing my knee up and down. I reached up my neck towards my necklace, something I always do when I'm anxious. Except it wasn't a bad anxious feeling this time.

I kept scanning the area to see if I could find the tall brown haired Canadian. I mean you couldn't miss him even if you tried. It's like one of those moments where you're meeting your internet friend for the first time and you're nervous but in a good way.

I then seen him with his band and friends walking over but he was still so far. I then got up and started to fast walk towards him. His eyes then met mine an he just had the biggest smile on his face. Once I was a good few feet away I ran towards him and jumped into his arms.

He chuckled as he staggered back a bit but nonetheless caught me. He wrapped his arms tightly around me as I did the same. It felt so good to be in his arms, I wished everyone got to have a hug from him.

"Missed you koala bear." He muffled into my hair.

My face was in the crook of his neck and I seen the two birthmarks on it. Then I was hit with the scent of his cologne. We then pulled apart and he set me down.

"I missed you to you loser." I said with a smile.

I then greeted the other guys with hugs and of course thanking them for coming. We then walked over towards where Jaime was with our stuff. They all said hi and Shawn along with Matt, Brian, and the band grabbed something to eat.

We all sat around and waited for Camila, Lauren, Alex, Zoë, and Alfie to show up. Once they all landed and we met with them we all gathered up and rented a van to fit all of us. It was so nice to be around this many people and know they went out of their way to come celebrate your birthday.

When we went to the renting place we found out we needed two which made sense. There was actually a lot of us, it then made me think of where everyone was going to sleep. But then I remembered that we were hardly going to sleep but be up till the sun comes up.

We drove to the house and oh my god it was big and beautiful and on the beach. Like how amazing, it was a two story house and had 6 rooms so it wasn't so bad. I definitely think we would make it work. Two people would need three people to a room but that's okay.

We all sorted out who was sleeping with who. It was going to be Jaime, Camila, and I. Then Shawn, Matt, and Brian. Then obviously the couples have their own room and then Shawn's band got to choose who they wanted to be paired with.

All we did was change out of our pajamas or what we wore to sleep on the plane. Then we got into our bathing suits and cover ups, more for the girls, because the guys don't care if they're shirtless.

We then went into the backyard where it was a porch and then it went down onto the sand. The guys ran down to the beach while us girls walked slowly down as we talked about that long ass flight.

I looked over at my friends and just couldn't help but feel happy. I couldn't wait for the next few days.

It was going to be a great birthday week.

Authors Note//
Haha I can't wait to write about this and what all happens in Thailand.
Let me know what you think
Until Next Time Peace Lovelies✌🏼💚

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