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   ANUBIS SAT WTH A CIGARETTE HANGING FROM HIS LIPS. Esther was annoyed by the smell emitting from the cigarette, she scrunched up her face at the smell. She got up from her seat and found some scented jasmine set near her. She burned the jasmine, so it would cancel out the smell. After Anubis finished, he threw the cigarette away in a small can near him. 

   "So, are you going to tell me why you woke me up from that, oh so wonderful sleep?" Anubis asked, looking at Esther. 

   Esther sighed deeply, she knew that in order for Anubis to take over her task she had to explain to him about what she had created. Esther walked over to a bookshelf that was against the wall, her fingers skimmed the book and found one from over a thousand years ago. "This is a long story, so sit tight." 

  "I've been asleep for over a century," Anubis reminded her, "I'm patient." Anubis crossed his legs and held his hands in front of him, he cocked his head to the side waiting for Esther to respond. Esther sat down across from Anubis-placing the book in front of him- a small part of her feared how he would react. 

  "A thousand years ago, my son, Henrik, was killed by the wolves in our village," She started, she held her hands in front of her on the table and looked at Anubis. The memory was still vivid, she remembered Klaus carrying her son's body in his arms, his eyes red and puffy and his scream infiltrating the air. "My husband Mikael and I decided to look for a way to protect our children from the wolves. We asked our witch if she could perform a spell to make them immortal but she refused, so, I took matters into my own hands. I created a spell for my children to become immortal, we used the blood of a girl in the village who Niklaus and Elijah fancied. That night we poured her blood in their drinks and when they fell asleep...Mikael killed them and when they awoke, they were vampires." 

   Esther paid attention to Anubis' reaction, his eyes brows were furrowed and his jaw was clenched, "Go on." He ordered, Esther simply sighed.

   "Ever since they were protected from the wolves but with every power there was a weakness. The thing that surprised most was the bloodlust, it was like a drug, it was something they craved and innocent lives paid for it. Then, they were able to turn others into vampires but they didn't have the same abilities. There are hundreds of thousands of vampires roaming the Earth and thousands of lives had paid for it. I want you to kill my children and with that, the world will rid of all vampires." Esther spoke slowly and firm-making it clear to Anubis that what she wanted-It was her one wish in the world. If she could go back and time, she would and she would've listened to Ayana. 

   Anubis licked his lips slowly and took a deep breath. After listening to Esther, he was angry but he didn't show it. How could she create such monsters? While Anubis was asleep he was surprised about all the people that had died, after all, he was the god of death.

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 ━ 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐓 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now