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IT HAD BEEN YEARS SINCE ANUBIS HAD SET FOOT IN MYSTIC FALLS. THE LAST TIME ANUBIS WAS IN THE SMALL TOWN WAS WHEN SILAS HAD RISEN AND HE HAD LEFT BONNIE HEARTBROKEN AT THEIR SENIOR PROM. IT WAS SOMETHING HE REGRETTED ONCE HE HAD DONE IT. Anubis got off of the bus with a small suitcase in hand. He still liked wearing his suits and the one he was wearing was tailored in Egypt, Isis had gifted it to him to apologize for everything that had happened.

Once the bus had left, Anubis saw the sign for the Mystic Grill, his stomach growled at the thought of food and he immediately crossed the street to get some. Once he set foot, the atmosphere felt the exact same. There were people chatting and eating and it was as if nothing ever happened. Bonnie had written him letters but she had stopped writing to him about two years ago.

As Anubis looked around for a table, he heard a familiar voice, "It's nice to have you back in town," when he turned around, he was face-to-face with non other than Damon Salvatore. Anubis looked at his hand and noticed his Salvatore ring and a wedding ring.

"Damon Salvatore," the two quickly embraced each other in a tight hug, once they let go, Anubis studied him up and down, "I'm guessing you're married, who managed to marry you?" he asked sarcastically.

"Unfortunately, I did," Elena popped out from behind him with a big smile on her face. When Anubis looked, he noticed that she was visibly pregnant. Her bump stuck out profusely and Anubis' eyes widened, "And I am nine months pregnant, who would of thought?"

They instantly all chuckled, "Congratulation," Anubis started, "But I thought vampires couldn't procreate?"

Damon and Elena shared a look, "We have a lot to catch you up on, let's grab a table," the three of them sat down at a booth and a waitress collected their orders. Damon then started to explain what had happened since Anubis left. From the moment that they were trapped in the prison world up until Caroline and Stefan's wedding and how Caroline had twins.

"So, Stefan died?" Anubis asked to be a reassured, Damon and Elena nodded, "And Caroline had Alaric's twins and now he runs a school for supernatural children which includes Klaus Mikaelson's daughter as well?"

The two nodded their heads, "Wow, that's a lot that's happened," Anubis felt an information overload, he couldn't believe anything that had happened. They all went through so much and he wasn't there to help any of them, "And Rebekah's human too?"

"Yeah, everything has changed," Elena answered while rubbing her belly.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Anubis asked curiously.

"Girl," Damon answered, "Her name is going to be Stefanie,"

Anubis couldn't help but smile, "That's a beautiful name,"

"Thank you," Elena said kindly, "Anyway, what brings you back to Mystic Falls after all these years?"

Damon rolled his eyes, "C'mon, Elena, there is only one reason why he would be here,"

Elena furrowed her brows in confusion before the thought hit her, "Oh my god! That's right, Bonnie!"

Anubis chuckled softly at Elena. "Well, she's only back in Mystic Falls for the day, she's leaving tomorrow morning,"

"Where is she going?" Anubis asked.

"I think South America," Damon answered, "She already went to Europe and she's just bouncing across the globe," Anubis nodded his head slowly. He couldn't wait to see her, the thought gave him butterflies in his stomach and he couldn't help but smile.

"Is she still at the her house?" he asked curiously.

Elena nodded, "Yeah, you should go and catch her," Anubis quickly got up from his seat.

"I will, don't worry," Once Anubis got out of the door, he decided to walk to the Bennett house where he had stayed. He remembered the late nights talking to Bonnie and his adventures in Egypt before he was cast asleep. He had told her everything and he missed those memories with her. He couldn't wait to be in the same room as her.

As Anubis walked through Mystic Falls, he felt serene. Everything was calm as if nothing ever happened to any of them. To an outsider it would seem like any other small town but to him it was so much more. He had grown as a person while he was there and he had more sympathy for vampires than he did before.

As Anubis stood in front of the Bennett house, he walked closely towards the door. As he found himself getting closer and closer he could feel his heart palpitating. Once he stood at the door he raised his hand to knock on the door. He could feel a knot in his throat forming and was he knocked the door opened the swiftly.

Bonnie stood in front of him and at first she was confused but the confusion soon turned into a smile on her face. Her hair was long and and she looked happy, as if she had no other worries in the world. "Anubis?"

"The one and only," he answered.

"Oh my god," she quickly embraced him in a tight hug and Anubis hugged her back. He could feel a tear stinging his eye once she had hugged him. She still had the same lavender scent and once she let go, she wiped a tear from her eye, "It's really you," she said while studying him up and down.

Anubis couldn't find the right words for her, "Bonnie, I--,"

"You have no idea how much I missed you," she started, "Come inside," Anubis stepped inside the house. It still looked the same despite all those years.

"How have you been?" Anubis asked while turning to face her.

Bonnie smiled, this was the happiest he had seen since he had met her, "I've been traveling the world. I've been to Paris, Rome, Barcelona," she started, "It's been amazing, I have nothing to worry about anymore,"

"I'm glad you're happy, Bonnie," Anubis smiled at her, "Maybe you'll let me join in on your travels, I hear you're going to South America,"

She nodded her head, "I am and you are welcome to join me," she walked closer towards Anubis which made Anubis nervous.

"Well, I've still got a lot of the world to see, maybe I'll take up that offer," Anubis started, "I also wanted to talk about that night that I left,"

"What about it?" Bonnie asked curiously.

"I'm sorry that I left you in the worst possible place, I really am and all I ever did was. think about you and I'm truly sorry for everything that I made. you go through, but I did mean what I told you,"

Bonnie quickly embraced him in another hug, "It's okay, Anubis, I had years to think about what happened and I know you didn't want to do it but you still pulled through for Isis, I forgive you and I meant what I said too,"

Anubis smiled as he looked down at Bonnie who was smiling, "So would you let me travel the world with you?"

"Always," she said while placing a small kiss on his lips.

author's note:

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THIS STORY! I love and appreciate every. single one. of you who took the time to read and vote and comment on this story and also to latte-to-go for giving me this plot. This is the end of Young Gods andI hope you all enjoyed Bonnie's happy ending which she deserved! Thank you all so much! If you look this story, I will be coming out with another TVD/TO short story soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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