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   ANUBIS HAS BEEN AWAKE FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE DAYS. He had been researching the Mikaelson family in order to find a way to kill them. He had also looked up the history of Mystic Falls-the town in which they were born in. From what Anubis read, the town had been plagued by vampires ever since. 

   The creatures have been hiding amongst the people. The vampires came out at night because the sun would burn their skin, but they found a way around it-witches. The witches would make them daylight rings so they could walk in the sunlight without burning. Another one of their weaknesses was a herb named vervain. It was a purple plant and if a vampire received more than enough of it, it would kill them. 

   One of the most infamous ways is a wooden stake to the heart. Vampires couldn't find a way out if the stake had punctured their heart. The thing was, the Originals were far much stronger. A wooden stake would only make them knock out before they were able to pull it out. Anubis remembered Esther telling him that the only way to kill an Original is with a white oak stake. 

   The problem was, there was no more in existence. There was a white oak tree when the Originals were turned but it was burned down to the ground. Anubis reached for the cup of coffee that was near him. He put the cup to his lips and took a drink of the hot beverage, coffee was the only thing keeping him awake. He had no clue where Esther had went-leaving him to do the task with the Bennett witch. 

   Anubis had been worried about working with the witch. He was afraid she wasn't powerful enough and that some spells were too much for her. The witch had been practicing magic but some spells had caused her nose to bleed-making Anubis worried. 

   Bonnie was also trying to help her mom-who was transitioning into a vampire. Her mom had decided to live and was taking some lessons from a vampire named Caroline-which Anubis has yet to meet. Anubis set the cup back on the table where a small ring of the coffee had stained it, he flipped through the books for what seemed like the thousandth time. 

   "You've been up all night," he heard a voice from behind it-it belonged to the witch, "You should get some rest." 

   "I rested for more than a thousand years," he replied. 

   Bonnie scoffed as she made her way into the room, the room was filled with books from all different centuries. Some were modern while some were ancient, there were candles on every table and a sofa was placed towards the wall. 

   "Look, if we're going to take down Klaus, I can't have you staying up all night," she argued, "Klaus and the rest of his siblings are powerful." 

   A smirk grew on Anubis' face, she was right, the Mikaelson family was powerful but so was he. Anubis spun around in his chair to face the witch, she had her arms folded across her chest and her lips were pressed to a line. "You're right, they are powerful but so am I."

𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 ━ 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐓 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now