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ANUBIS STARTED LAYING LOW IN THE SALVATORE WITH DAMON AND STEFAN. ANUBIS FIGURED THAT BONNIE'S DAD WOULD GET SUSPICIOUS IF HE SAW HIM WALKING AROUND. Rebekah and Stefan had been hanging around a lot in the house, the two had teamed up and were hanging around a lot lately. Anubis pretended he didn't notice them since his nose was always buried in a book.  Anubis hadn't had any contact with Bonnie since the incident with April. He did like anything that he saw about Professor Shane, something about him felt wrong. 

When Anubis left the house, he looked down at the ground so no one would notice him. When he went to the Mystic Grill, he sat at his usual spot and looked at the menu. He ordered something new every day and the same waitress would take his order. When Anubis put down his menu he saw Bonnie's dad sitting across from him. Anubis furrowed his brows in confusion, he had a worried look on his face and he held his hands out in front of him. 

"Mr. Bennett," Anubis said while taking a sip of the glass of orange juice beside him, "Can I help you with something?" Bonnie's dad looked at him and sighed. Anubis felt that something was off, he didn't know what he wanted. 

"There have been strange things happening in this town for as long as I can remember. I know almost everyone here, almost, I have never seen you around here. All I know is that you know Bonnie. I don't know what or who you are but is there anything you know about Bonnie, that I should know?" His eyes were filled worry and he looked at Anubis as a last resort. Anubis took in a deep breath, he didn't much about Bonnie lately and it hurt him to think about it. 

Anubis licked his lips, "Mr. Bennett, Bonnie and I haven't really been in good terms lately. All I know is that ever since she saw Professor Shane, she's been distant. Personally, he rubs me the wrong way and I don't like the person Bonnie has become being with him. I wish there was something useful that I could tell you but you know as much as I do," 

"Call me Rudy," he said once Anubis was finished talking, "Can I ask how you and Bonnie met?" Rudy asked while looking at Anubis. 

Anubis averted his gaze, "Let's just say we started off on the wrong foot and we became friends and she helped save my life," Anubis answered, "And in some way, I owe her." 

"What do you know about Professor Shane?" Rudy asked curiously. Anubis took another sip of his juice before turning to look at Rudy. 

Anubis shrugged his shoulders, "Not much," he started, "There's something about him that doesn't seem right. I've met those kinds of people before and from what I can tell, I think Shane is manipulating your daughter." 

Rudy shook his head slowly, "What's your name?" 

Anubis put a small smile on his face, "Anubis, sir," he stuck out his hand and Rudy shook it with a confusing look. 

"Anubis?" Rudy questioned, "Like the Egyptian god, head of a jackal, body of a man?" 

Anubis simply nodded his head, "That is correct," 

Rudy remained neutral, "That's a unique name," 

"Yes, it is," Anubis agreed while looking at the menu options. 

"Listen, I care a lot about Bonnie. After her grams died and hearing about her mother, I was worried about her. Especially now, with all, that's happening, I'm worrying more about her and I want her to be safe. A lot has happened in my absence and I hope that I could trust you to help keep my daughter safe, Anubis," When he said his name there was a questioning tone that went along with it. Anubis simply put on a fake smile. 

He looked up at Rudy, "You can trust me, sir," Rudy nodded his head before he stood up and walked away from Anubis. He tapped his fingers on top of the table as he looked at people walking past the Mystic Grill. He bit his lip, he didn't know what was going on with Bonnie but he knew it was even more serious when her dad came to him. Anubis pulled out a twenty dollar bill and placed it on the table before getting up and walking away. 

Anubis had spent the remainder of his day in the Salvatore house before he heard a knock on the door. When he got up to open the door, he saw Bonnie standing outside rubbing her arm. She avoided his icy blue eyes and put an awkward smile on her face, "Hey," 

Anubis furrowed his brows, "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked worriedly, "Is everything alright?" 

Bonnie shrugged her shoulders, "Can we talk out here?" 

Anubis nodded his head before stepping outside and closing the door, "What's wrong?" 

Bonnie darted her eyes, "It's about Shane, he's not what I expected him to be," she started. Anubis furrowed his brows in confusion. 

"What do you mean?"

Bonnie took in a deep breath, "He was the reason why the pastor killed all those people. I didn't want to associate myself with him and he can't be trusted anymore," Bonnie explained while looking down at the ground. Anubis felt relief that she wasn't going to trust Shane again but he felt as if she were holding something back. 

"And? Why are you here?" 

Bonnie then lifted up her gaze and met Anubis' eyes, "I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry for keeping you distant and ignoring you. It was wrong of me and I was the one who asked you to stay here in Mystic Falls. You're one of my friends here and it seems as if you're the only one that's really worried about me," Bonnie explained while fidgeting with her hands, "Plus, I was wondering if you can see if Isis could help me." 

Anubis furrowed his brows worriedly, "Why? Are you okay?" 

Bonnie shrugged her shoulders, "Honestly? I don't know. Today, I-I kind of lost it a little bit and I'm scared that it's going to get out of control. I don't want my dad to be worried about me and I think that Isis can help me," 

Anubis nodded his head understandingly, "I'll see if I can get in contact with her," Anubis stated, "If there's anything you need Bonnie, you know you can trust me." 

Bonnie smiled, "I know, it's just that everythings been really crazy lately and there's a lot going on. I'm sorry for pushing you away, Anubis." 

Anubis smiled, "It's okay." 

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