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BONNIE THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA FOR ANUBIS TO MAKE HIS ENTRANCE AT THE MISS MYSTIC FALLS PAGEANT. She thought it was a good idea to get involved since turning into a jackal. The last time Anubis had dressed up nicely was back at the Mikaelson ball. He had never really made an appearance in Mystic Falls when he thought about it. Yeah, he was there the night of the dance, but it was night time and most people didn't pay attention to him. A

Anubis put on his tux since most of the men would be wearing it at the event. Bonnie wore a simple light green dress with an updo. Anubis felt oddly nervous about going out in Mystic Falls, he was going to be surrounded by the founding families of Mystic Falls and he knew that the Mikaelsons would be making an appearance. 

"So, what is the Miss Mystic Falls pageant and why is Caroline so obsessed with planning it?" Anubis asked as he looked in the mirror to fix his tie. He had forgotten how to tie and his fingers fumbled with the fabric. Bonnie tapped his shoulder and he turned around quickly. 

Her fingers began to work the tie, "They hold it every year and any girl can participate in it and they're crowned Miss Mystic Falls and Caroline won last time and you know how she is," Bonnie explained as she finished tying the tye. 

Anubis let out a sigh, "And I have to go to this, why?" Bonnie let out a laugh as she walked over to put on a pair of earrings. 

"Because you can't be cooped inside all of the time, plus, it's about time people see you around," Bonnie explained, "You'll see everyone after your whole little situation, how are you after everything?" 

Anubis simply shrugged, he still had a dreading feeling inside of him that he couldn't shake off but he knew that Bonnie was still worried after the whole situation, "Yeah, I'm fine. We should get going before we receive an angry phone call from Caroline," the two smiled at the small joke. 

"Let's go," Bonnie said. 


When the two arrived at the Lockwood mansion, the residents of Mystic Falls were walking around in fancy dresses holding glasses of champagne. There were people that were smiling and walking happily as if the small town was actually peaceful. Anubis and Bonnie went unnoticed until an angry blonde popped up in front of the two. 

"Finally!" Caroline started, "I have been waiting for you two for like ever. We also have a little situation on our hands," 

Bonnie and Anubis furrowed their brows in confusion, "What is it?" Bonnie asked. 

Caroline looked around her, "It's with Elena," Anubis quickly looked Caroline, he knew something felt off, "She's been agreeing with Damon non-stop. It's like he has her under a spell or something, it's weird," 

Bonnie tilted her head to the side, "I'll go talk to Damon," Bonnie left Anubis' side to find Damon and he was left with Caroline who watched the witch walk away. 

The blonde turned to Anubis, "So, Bonnie told me what happened, are you okay?" Caroline had a worried expression on her face which was weird to Anubis considering that the first time they met she was interrogating him. 

Anubis nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine, thank you for asking," 

Caroline shrugged, "Well, I have to go, see you later," the blonde turned her head around and walked the opposite way. Anubis looked around and stopped once he spotted Elena with a worried expression on her face. She wore her hair in a low ponytail and wore a knee-length black dress. She took a sip of her drink and she looked around before looking back at the glass. 

Anubis walked over to the doppelganger and placed his hands out in front of her, Elena noticed the person next to her and was surprised to see him. Elena turned her head towards the god, "Anubis! Oh my god, how are you?" 

Anubis smiled softly, "I'm good, how are you holding up?" 

Elena's smile faltered, "I honestly don't even know. There's so much going on Anubis, it's crazy." 

Anubis furrowed his brows, "What's happening? You know, since there was a whole situation that happened," 

"Well, as you know, I'm a vampire now which sucks," Elena started, the two shared a small laugh, "And well, Jeremy now wants to hunt vampires since he triggered the Hunter's Curse. Everyone is after the cure now and it's tiring, and now Jeremy is having dreams about killing vampires and he wants to kill me," 

Anubis let out a whistle, "And I thought my life was tough," the two let out a laugh before Elena furrowed her brows. 

"Can I ask you a question?" Elena asked cocking her head to the side. 

Anubis shrugged, "Go ahead," 

"Is there something going on between you and Bonnie?" Elena asked. 

Anubis knitted his brows in confusion, he was confused as to why Elena would ask that question. "No, why would you think that?" 

Elena shrugged her shoulders, "Well, I don't know, it's just that after you turned into the jackal and I 'died' it was like she was beating herself up. She was up day and night trying to find something to help you and whenever I asked if she was okay, she would shake it and off and say she was helping you," 

Anubis furrowed his brows, "I didn't know about that, thank you for telling me," Elena nodded her head. 

"No problem, I got to go look for someone, see you later," Elena turned around and went in the other direction. Anubis looked around and thought of what Elena had said, he wondered why Elena had brought it up, Anubis decided to walk around the mansion a bit to clear his head. He had his hands stuck in his pockets as he looked at the blades of the grass on the ground. 

He didn't think of it until now but he was slowly started to piece things together one by one. How he reacted when Bonnie was at the Mikaelson mansion, the night of the dance, the pieces were slowly starting to come together. He didn't notice it then but whenever he was around the witch he felt amused. She was different and somehow he felt different around she was different than anyone else he had ever met. 

Anubis realized his thoughts and shook them out his head. Anubis pulled out his phone that was in his pocket, it was taking some getting used to but he managed to find the name he needed to find, he dialed the number and put the phone up to his ear. The phone rang twice before he heard the familiar voice. 

"Isis, we need to talk," 

author's note

okay so, anubis is starting to loki realize his feelings for bonnie but doesn't know it yet. he won't act out it quick since he's been asleep for like a thousand years+ but yerr

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